Lol... that was pretty WEIRD!!! I made one called poop when I was 9. Lol, I just posted it however. Why not listen to it? hmm? Thanks. =)
Lol... that was pretty WEIRD!!! I made one called poop when I was 9. Lol, I just posted it however. Why not listen to it? hmm? Thanks. =)
yeah easy to say i was in a weird mood when writing this one lol.
You need to start the actually song a little bit earlier than tha5t. It got kind of repetitive and boring at first, until the other instruments came in. Good job, but make sure to insert the begginning of a song earlier in the beat. =) Try listening to some of my songs to get what I mean.
Hey, heres a really good tip. =)
YOU HAVE TO RESPOND TO YOUR REVIEWS IF YOU WANT TO GET NOTICED!!!! This song is really good, and it should be noticed. if you want to respond to your reviews, click MY ACCOUNT and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click AUDIO SUBBMISSIONS. Then, you should see the word REVIEWS next to all the songs you have. Click the word REVIEWS and it will show a list of all the reviews you have for the song you clicked on. You can respond by clicking on RESPOND TO THIS! below each of the reviews. When you respond, that person is highly gratifide and will tell people about your music. NICE JOB OJN THIS ONE!!!
Thanx for the tip! I'm really exited to get such positive reviews. and I'm always up for collab :)
Nice beat...
I want to just dance dance DANCE to this one... makes me want to type really fast to imight tjust mispell my words,f. Well, good job! Really addicting... Aw thanks... Now it's stuck in my head! 5!!
Holy cow....
That was AWESOME. I loved the way you put all the instruments together. Hey, I do the same style in a lot of my songs. You should listen to them. =)
with only 3 votes and a 0.87 rating its good to hear someone likes it!
Sorry, but you didn't use the pre-set loops in garageband even CORRECTLY in this one. You can do good if you really want to become an artists, (SO called artists at newgrounds arent really, they just have a lot of free time lol.) Well, look I used some pre-set loops in garageband with some of my songs including down to the shadows, and running fox. You should listen to some of my music becausee i created ALL of it using garageband. Write a review, I can help you with your music. =) ONLINE OF COURSE LOL
Although i appreciate your condescending tone as much as the next can keep the smug references to your own valor in check, if you dont mind.
Your blatant, 'hey come listen to my music because you can only be good if you...' kind of rubs me the wrong way. It would have been nice of you to tell me what to change for the next song instead of giving me the usual blather about how your awesomeness factor just leaves mine in the dust, etc, etc.
i know you didn't insinuate any malice or other such sentiment, i just feel that i need to respond as i have. My guess is that your response to THIS response would be something along the lines of, 'jeez lol i was only trying to help' when in reality your feeble stab at a good, healthy review fell almost as short as what you claimed this track did.
As convoluted and sprawling as this response is, i hope you would have the sense not to go to every other of my audio submissions and leave the same fruitless, generally unhelpful reviews. Of course, considering the fact that you so obviously consider yourself noble for kneeling to help me, you might not want to bother with it.
All the best, Sato.
Very good. =)
If you did make this then you did an excellenbt job in portraying what video game music IS. This will be somewhere in then top of the video game collection, no doubt. I made one once, it was JAMES BOND!!! But I just set a recorder next to my somputer... Lol. Well, if you want to, I would really appreciate it if you were to listen to some of my music. =)
The beat was groovy. (seriously that's the only word I can think off Lol) Well, I really enjoyed this beat, it would be good for a rap or something like that. Nice work. Oh and if you need beat ideas, I have A LOT of songs with beats. =)
thanks man i thought it was groovy too haha
ill check some of ur beats out right now..
This caught me completly by surprise, it contained perfect rythm and everything! I loved it I really did... It was a little bit repetitive at some points, but other times it was great! You should but some harmony in there to make it look good. I use a lot of harmony so if you need ideas, I can help you with that. ^_+_^
Yea, this song stands out from most of my work. Maybe I will PM you about harmony and such. Thanks again!
Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*
Age 33, Male
Apple & Entrepreneur
Whats a... school?
Little Rock, AR
Joined on 7/28/07