Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*

Age 33, Male

Apple & Entrepreneur

Whats a... school?

Little Rock, AR

Joined on 7/28/07

Exp Points:
8,876 / 9,340
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Vote Power:
7.03 votes
Art Scouts
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B/P Bonus:
11m 30d

FatKidWitAJetPak's News

Posted by FatKidWitAJetPak - August 3rd, 2013

Greetings world! I have not been active on this site for quite a long time... a lot has happened. I work for Apple, DJ on the side, and am getting a degree in business. I have an incredible girlfriend who is as quirky as I am. Im getting more into writing and am interviewing psytrance music over at Psynews. I have more jetpacks than ever before. Life is good and friends are plentiful!

I am still quite obsessed in the musical world, and for the first time ever I finally have gotten together the recourses to create an overnight festival here in Little Rock, Arkansas. If you are nearby the area, feel free to drop by and kick it with us! Our goal is to bring together an awesome, diverse community for one night of passionate expressionism, art, music, dancing, yoga, and much more. So far, there are about 200+ people coming! Check out the event here.

Oh yeah, and here is our bodacious poster thanks to the incredible James McCarthy! Kamikaye has also created the image for our upcoming event here. We have no details for that particular event just yet, so it is just a beautiful image at the moment. :)

So, what have I missed? Are there still cock jokes and mario parodies everywhere? Does egoraptor still have an ego? Is sexual-lobster still sexually-popular? I am thinking of coming back to the forum community here and revisiting old memories.

Im Throwing A Psytrance Music Festival!


Posted by FatKidWitAJetPak - March 14th, 2012

So, a few weeks ago ebolaworld and I pitched a series idea to a certain well known company... well, this company reviewed our storyboards and apparently wants us to produce a 12 episode series based off of it. We now are going through all of the legal contract stuff, which I still am scared out of my mind about, and are getting all the knotty gritty legal jizz out of the way. So.. this is big news for us. We are not sure if we will be able to put the series on Newgrounds or not, but I am sure we can pull a few strings and get the cartoon out on the net. Expect some wacky and crazy adventures from us soon!

In the meantime, I just recorded some tree frogs and crickets out in a field with my Zoom H4N sound recorder. It sounds awesome and I am defintley using it for my album, which yes I am still working diligently on. It should be out soon, as I say in nearly every news post I make because I keep wanting to change stuff in it. I am still learning a load of things and hopefully everyone will enjoy my emotional progressive works. Expect lots of piano induced soundscapes ;)

ALSO, the NG Album Collaboration is being mastered by MrMilkCarton! *What a swell guy!*. It will be out VERY SOON. *The mastering is done and now I am waiting for a response from Tom Fulp*

Stay tuned for more! :L

Posted by FatKidWitAJetPak - February 23rd, 2012

This week, I am down in Albequrque to visit my good friend, Sam T. I will be voice acting for an upcoming Tacoman: The Game Master, producing some tracks, recording some playthroughs for Tacoman Plays a Video Game, and working mainly on an animation that him and I are writing. I am really stoked about this! Expect some upcoming animations from him and I. We are making Skittles Vodka and having a blast in general. It's going to be pretty interesting.

Also, for those who are wondering, here are some updates!

- The NG CD is being mastered and should be up for sale in the NG Store sometime in the beginning of April.
- My ambient album is nearly done! I just have a few piano solos to record and then I should be finished.
- I hope to DJ soon with Echozaurora
- I will start touring around Arkansas soon, DJing House, Elektro, Psytrance, and Progressive.
- I am going to record tutorials on how to use various VSTs and AUs including Absynth and Massive.
- Doing a business internship with Apple.

So yeah... Im BUSY BUSY BUSY! This is going to be a productive year I am hoping. Expect lots of animations and audio!

Pic related:

Spending A Week With Ebolaworld

Posted by FatKidWitAJetPak - February 7th, 2012

...Everything is different. So, so, so different. I don't even really know what to say right now. My entire life is just flashing before my eyes. Well sweet merciful jesus, this is quite interesting. I have so many new things to explore on this website. For one, I am really enjoying the new "Top Featuring" system, but I haven't really had the time to explore anything else...

It is going to take me a while to get use to the redesign. This is really fucking trippy.

...I still don't have naked pics of Tom. :'(


Posted by FatKidWitAJetPak - January 23rd, 2012


Recently, the audio community has gotten together to create the very first Newgrounds Collaborative Audio Album! Spanning across multiple genres, this three disc album in one package will be sold to the NG store sometime in early February! *hopefully*. All proceeds will be donated to Music for Therapy International.

Basically, we need someone to help us with album art. If your a painter, drawer, tablet pro, or pixel head, then send me a fresh PM and we can go over a few things. The design is basically all layed down, now we just need someone to make our ideas come to life!

The following needs to be made:

Art for the Electronic CD
Art for the Soothing CD

So please, if you've got the skill then contact me! Thanks.

Go check out the Newgrounds Audio Album Project There is another thread spanning over 20 pages, but this one is the most recent one with the winners announced. The project has been going on for a little over 5 months now. It's been massive. Let me know if you would like to help us out.

***We also need someone to help MASTER the final tracks and equalize them! Let us know if you can help***

I Need Artists to Help with an NG Store Item!

Posted by FatKidWitAJetPak - January 14th, 2012

I've been Djing recently with EchozAurora and others down in Springfield, Missouri. It was a blast, and apparently they want me back possibly to play every month. I will also be playing many local gigs here in Little Rock, AR, and a possible gig up in California... if I get paid for the flight up there lol. My DJing skills have gotten better and better, and now I am learning Traktor and ditching my shitty "Spin" mixer so I can grab a much better one.

Anyway, long story short, I decided to make a silly logo I made a year ago in flash, yes... FLASH, into a revamped T-shirt. I posted it up on Facebook, and I have like 10 pre orders. People seem to like the style, so I decided HEY ILL POST IT TO NEWGROUNDZ. So yeah. Im gonna use my front page post for this.

The T-shirt is screen printed, %100 cotton, grey, and it comes in all sizes. If you would like to order this T-shirt, SEND ME PM and I'll tell you what information I'll need. I'm sending these shirts all from my house... so shipping in handling will be different depending on where you live. Basically you won't be spending any more than $20. If you live outside of the US I'll send you a link to Bluecotton.com where you can get it delivered by them. All payments will be processed through paypal.

So yeah, if you want a shirt for $15, send me a PM and I'd be more than happy to get you one. Oh yeah, and I went ahead and recorded my DJing at the show in Springfield. You can listen to the 40 minute session of Chiptune, Drum n Bass, Darkstep, and Elektro right here on Soundcloud. Let me know what you think of the mix!

This shirt represents every raver.. I guess. Cause you know, all these kids these days are listening to a whole bunch of whale noises in Dubstep and whatever. It just sounds like a whole bunch of... whales tripped out on ecstasy.. yeah. Buy one today and I'll give you a hand job behind the dumpster at an Applebees.

Who Wants to Buy a DJ T-shirt? :D

Posted by FatKidWitAJetPak - January 4th, 2012


Recently, the audio community has gotten together to create the very first Newgrounds Collaborative Audio Album! Spanning across multiple genres, this three disc album in one package will be sold to the NG store sometime in early February! *hopefully*. All proceeds will be donated to Music for Therapy International.

Basically, we need someone to help us with album art. If your a painter, drawer, tablet pro, or pixel head, then send me a fresh PM and we can go over a few things. The design is basically all layed down, now we just need someone to make our ideas come to life!

So please, if you've got the skill then contact me! Thanks.

Go check out the Newgrounds Audio Album project. There is another thread spanning over 20 pages, but this one is the most recent one with the winners announced. The project has been going on for a little over 5 months now. It's been massive. Let me know if you would like to help us out.

***We also need someone to help MASTER the final tracks and equalize them! Let us know if you can help***

I Need an Artist for an NG Store CD

Posted by FatKidWitAJetPak - December 25th, 2011

I just got an H4n Surround Sound Recorder for Christmas. That means that I can put EVERYTHING that I have learned throughout the past few months to use. I have recently been focusing all my energies on working at Apple, finishing up the NG Audio CD, and learning new things everyday in the world of Komplete 8. I am currently working on getting signed with Ultimae, a group of ambient and chill out composers.

If you want to help me get signed on and support my music, send them an email telling them what you enjoy in my music. I am three tracks away from finishing my album. Damn, it has been a loonnggg journey of developing my own techniques and learning musical composition. I have really enjoyed expressing myself through sound waves. It's a very interesting concept, especially out here in the deep south where no one knows what ambience is. I really enjoy bringing these, as some would call it, "unique and powerful sounds" to the public.

It has been a very long journey, and I even have a short story written for the album, but now that I have everything written down all I have to do is record it, piece it together, and post it here. The entire album is a journey through my mind, taking place during my most difficult psycological states where I found my self depressed, emotionally unstable, and seemingly insane (BPD). Luckily, I didn't let this get to me as a bad thing. Instead, I used these states of thought as a meditational experience and found ways to describe my feelings by crafting together musical compositions in the form of Ambience and Drone. Each song can mean whatever you want it to mean. It can bring back memories, take you on a journey, or simply make you think.

Anyway, now that I have this H4n recorder, I CAN FINISH THE ALBUM WOOHOO. I am going out to record a playground, snow, traffic, metal, wood, breaking glass, dinners, hotels, hospitals, lonely walks, and many other environments. Then I am going to put together every sound effect I get and overlap them with layers of subtractive synths, deep and calming baselines, heartwarming pad structures, piano melodies, electronic riffs, and many other elements.

If you want to check out what I have so far, give these a listen. Review if you want. Leave a comment here. Bla bla bla.

Posted by FatKidWitAJetPak - November 8th, 2011

My soundcloud page or something.

Hey guys! I just made a sound cloud page that hosts all of my music. If you like my stuff, hope on over and
subscribe to me. If you don't have any idea who the hell I am, hope on over and listen to some of my music. Your support would mean a lot to me. Thanks guys. My album "N" is almost done and should be out by christmas.

For those of you who are interested in talking or something, I've got one of those weird fapbook pages all the cool kids have now a days. I post up all of my photography up there. You should totally send me a friend request so you can check it out. I'm always up for talking or whatever... *im so lonely*.

Oh, and I put up all my DJ recordings on sound cloud as well.

Posted by FatKidWitAJetPak - October 18th, 2011

I decided to do something thats a bit different from my usual ambient stuff... I did some DJING wooooaaaa.

Yeah so, apparently I am a DJ now... I was hired to DJ at a local club recently and have been improving on my DJ SKILLZ YO. If you wanna listen to it and give me some comments on this hour long Drum n Bass, Elektro, Dubstep mix, then hover over the link below and be all like CLICKETY CLICK and stuff.

Download 320KBps 50MB Woo Woo

Comments appreciated guys. Let me know what you think! I was really enjoying messing around and decided to finally record it... Just do yourself a favor n listen with headphones, because my reciting abilities aren't exactly "speaker quality". Yeah that's right, it sounds like shit on speakers lol. Live and learn I guess.

This is a short news post... thats... strange for me. HMM. Maybe I should type like, 500 more paragraphs like I usually do.

Anyway, lemme know what you guys think! It's not split into tracks so err, sorry bout that... If you guys like this I'll post links to future mixes. Here is me on my shitty mixer... but actually, I kind of like it. Its a piece of shit but an awesome extra interface for effects and stuff. If only those discs were tits...

Im a DJ Now or Something... Oh, and Here is a Recording