Dance party anyone?
I'd hit that anyday. The bass was prefect and went extremley well with the hard synth and trance line you had. There were so many noises that flowed so well together, the song wanted me to just simply get up and... DANCE!!!
Dance party anyone?
I'd hit that anyday. The bass was prefect and went extremley well with the hard synth and trance line you had. There were so many noises that flowed so well together, the song wanted me to just simply get up and... DANCE!!!
Holy Molly Ravioli
This is AWESOME!!! You got two places in best of the week? You crazy song whore lol. >:| LET IN SOME ROOM FOR THE OTHERS WHY DON'T YOU? X D
The vocals were simply amazing. Great job to her. Keep it up, I can't say ANYTHING to this except great job.
Tehehe song whore... :3
Thanks a lot, glad you loved it!
Thanks again for the review!
This immediattly distracted me from going to do something COMPLETLEY different..
i just had to go through the audio portal to get there. Well, I heard THIS amazing piece in the best of the week playback thing and I was distracted.
So here I am now listening to this chillaxing song and my ears are having a freaking orgasm let me tell you.
The crickets were a nice touch. The build up was a nice touch. Hell, everything was a nice touch.
Glad you like it, thanks :)
Nice arrangement!
The way you brought that beat in was great. It wasnt to happy hardcore either. It was simple.. yet REAL complex. All the synths went together very well. You are quite the techno artist!
Keep it up man. This stuff it great!!! ;)
You and I should combine my awesome ambience skills and your awesome trance skills to make an AWESOME song.
Hey techno SWEET. Your doing better in this genre than I could have ever done lol. GREAT JOB! I loved the way you combined the synths with the background pad, and then put in a great 50's recording. Nice. ;)
Lightning is a good title as well, it should be called "The Race For Light" in my opinion.
I loved the transitioning effect at 1:50. nince. ;)
CHEERS, and keep up this sweet dance music.
Actually, fun fact, the recording is a World War 1 recording of the president discussing his "plans" for the enemy. Thanks for the review!
Well you need more than just a badly played synth pas. *no offense*
You need better organization as well. Try adding pads that sound pleasing to the ears, and use correct timing to plug in a beat.
Good luck. ;)
You are starting out music I can tell. This had a nice tine for a background listen.. but it was kind of annoying sounding if you ask me. i give it a solid 8 for smoothness though.
What did you use to record?
I have a great piano peice that I want to record, but I can't find a suitable recording device... do share please!
Lol to the last review
Just because of the way your response tied in so nicely with it. Well anyway back to tpoic. This song was one of the best ambient tunes I have ever heard. It was like I was floating through space and slowly getting close to millions of stars... and then flying into them, gazing at nebulas and other beautiful sights.
This was fantastic, truly. The percussion was amazing. Nothing to change here. Simple is sometimes great.. and this is an example of great alright.
Respect. I am making a game, and I might use this. :)
lawl, just doing my part.
Thanks for the kind words! I'm visualizing what you described and it does fit the music; never thought about the song like that before, heh. If you want to use this in a game, then do so by all means! Thanks for the review.
Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*
Age 33, Male
Apple & Entrepreneur
Whats a... school?
Little Rock, AR
Joined on 7/28/07