
1,158 Audio Reviews

640 w/ Responses

Voice Acting Contest -5- Results!


Lmao. Count ORBULUS... ORBELIUS. ORBFUCK however you spell it. The beginning to this skit sounded really professional, but then you seemed to get very tired and your voice grew raspy because half of the time you had to gargle some strong dark voice into your microphone trying to represent some villain who is addicted to killing. I think it was alright at first but slowllyyy degraded in quality. The raccoon was hilarious. But sounded a bit to much like the announcer. It was easily noticeable that it was a simple alternation from the normal guy. MOONPIES? God this skit is awesome. You could improve on your acting and really make some funny stuff. When playing your raccoon character, REALLY THINK that you LOVEEEEEEEEE MOOOONNNNPIEEEEESSSSS aaaaawwwwhhh hhoo yeahhh. THINK IT. And then play the character with that thought. Every other character after that also sounded similar to your normal voice. It sounded a lot like you were talking to yourself. I did enjoy the skit and the thought of the characters, but I wish you could have played them a bit better. Pets pets revolution... ROW... haha great stuff. 10 for originality, but 7 for acting. Im listening to the crumcake part again now. God, now that's comedy.

Serioulsy, I cant stop laughing at this. DID YOU SAY CRUMCAKE? Faved.

Acting: 25/35
Fit: 19/25
Originality: 15/15
Range: 11/15
Mixing: 8/10
Final: 78/100


Acting: 21/35
Fit: 21/25
Originality: 11/15
Range: 14/15
Mixing: 8/10
Total: 75/100

the large number of characters keeps the pace going nicely... I would say bump up their exaggeration... most seemed to be in monotone, the only character I felt had some passion in his words was Clarence... he sounded hurt when called by his real name XD

And a little side note, if you bring in "celebrity" or well known characters, it may hinder your originality factor a wee bit... especially if they appear for no reason... just a warning.


Intergalactic Counseling-
Acting 16/35
Fit 10/25
Originality 10/15
Range 5/15
Mixing 3/10
Total- 44

Thanks for entering the 5th voice acting contest!

Crazy cows tasty moonpies. Are you trying to tell me youve never tasted the pure joy of the moonpie? Theyre a delecious morsel of various meats in a wonderful pocket of breaded delight. STUART GET OUT OF HERE. Noooo

I could name quotes forever from this skit. Cause all of them are great.

InDangerD responds:

Thanks for the comments! I'm glad you guys liked the script. As this was my first shot at this kind of thing and I did it in three hours the weakness shows. Ima put a little more work into the next one.

Voice Acting Contest -5- Results!


The voices sounded pretty different, so good job with that. However, I noticed that you seemed to BUZZZ right through this. You should record each line a couple of times, then pick the best one. Listen to it, and respond with your mic on a second layer with another character. Then repeat. This makes the BEST voice acting skit technique. I use it all the time and it works very well. You recorded everything to once it seemed, so sometimes your voices blended in with eachother. You also seemed to be talking from the top of your head, which lowered your acting score. The characters all seemed like they were fake acting, as if they just didn't want to be there. They did not seemed real for the most part. I could picture a kid talking into a mic the entire time. Lol, Richard Simmons is rich because people stay fit. Haha, good one. Thanks for entering man, next time try slowly recording one line at a time.

Acting: 15/35
Fit: 10/25
Originality: 10/15
Range: 9/15
Mixing: 5/10
Final: 49/100


Acting: 29/35
Fit: 20/25
Originality: 13/15
Range: 10/15
Mixing: 7/10
Total: 69/100

Kinda hard to tell the characters apart... needs to be more fast paced, I enjoyed the dude's hatred of Richard, but that's about the only entertaining thing I got out of the whole submission. It seemed to end abruptly too.


Strange Addiction-
Acting 20/35
Fit 10/25
Originality 9/15
Range 5/15
Mixing 3/10
Total -47

Thanks for entering the 5th voice acting contest!

"You were goth last week..."

This is cool!

I like this, the build up is nice, the synths are nice, and the filters are nice as well. Grand job at a song made with the demo. Keep it up! It just needs to be a bit more in depth with more instruments and more beats. Change it up a bit more. Add onto it.

Djevel responds:

Thank you! ^^ Yeah, i know. Will work on that later ^^

Profesionally Created, But Not Designed Very Well

Starts out very exotic and off tune, making it the deep ambience you were going for already. Then that beat comes in. It reminds me of a cool starcraft RTS song where it starts out ambience and then follows up with some ncie hard wet and dry mixes of drums. It even has an 8-bitish sounding tune when those synths come in. IT would make a great RTS song.

It seems like an entirly different song at 1:40. I didn't like it as much since it was a bit TOOOO off tune for me. It was nice at first but when you brought it back it didnt have the same effect. I was glad you didnt stray to far off though, since you brought back the original idea of the song. Then you went off into those way off tune sounds aagain. Those distracted me to much from the song.

The heartbeat coming in at around 3:25 reminds me of The Dark Side Of The Moon, but just a little. This song isnt one of your best in my opinion. It is a completely different genre of course and still doesnt make me believe your 15. If you really are 15 then man you have some quality stuff. This is a quality song, but isnt very pleasing to the ears if you ask me. Professionally made but not professionally designed. Nice work on trying all these different genres though!


The bitish sound to the song doesnt really give me a lady noir feeling, but it is very instrumental. It does sound really cool. I could picture a pixelated lady noir to this actually, as in an action packed kill bill in 8-bit goodness. :D

This is really cool!

Tone Down On That Bass!

It might be because im wearing headphones that makes this song monotanous for me, im not really sure. The only thing that is bad is the huge BOOM bass. It is really different from your normal style of trance. It distracts me from nearly everything in the song and it is hard to follow the actual beat with all the pauses going on.

Its probably just me, but im simply not digging this remix. Possibly try and turn down the bass. Everything after 2 minutes in is really nice. :)

Kazmo responds:

I'd have to go against you here and say that the bass is strong and has good presence. I don't find it overpowering at all, nor do I find it difficult to follow the beat.

It may be your headphones. :P

I Love Your Remixes

Your remixes are better than most I hear now a days. You stay to the simple but beautiful lyrics, yet add a completley new tone to it. Its almost as if you listen to the song, pay attention to the lyrics, and develop an enitrley new one loosely based on the main synth and largely around the lyrics. You remix them of course which even adds more glory to the song.

That bass is ORRGGAASSSMIICCC. I need a sugar rush, haha. Oh god this is great. Keep going, finish this.

Kazmo responds:

You read my mind process lol :3


Glad To Hear Some New Stuff!

Its nice to hear some new well done tracks from you. This is very nice. Im loving the intense edgy feeling mixed with classical piano in perfect harmony. This would go great with a light setup on a dancefloor. The buildup is so fucking cool. It never loses its deep trance feeling, but after 2 minutes im just completley lost in music. Do you know how awesome this makes me feel? Its like im floating high on the beats and synths of pure fucking gold trance.

Where can I buy the full version.

Expert Progressive!

Classic startup. I could picture this the beginning for a DJ. Have you ever listened to DJs on the radio? The usually start out with something like this because its a very nice and easy going thing to talk over. This buildup is getting intense. Woh, whats that background pad coming in at 45 seconds? Its like some sort of ocean sound. I can picture a guy swimming deep in the ocean with this song. Its sooo chilaxing yet makes me want to get up and dance smoothly with glowsticks.

Extremley well done mastering. I can hear great quality in this. God I want to dance with this playing. It reminds me a lot of Tiesto, how he starts out with very atmospheric pads and chilling beats, leading off to an awesome pure trance song. That combination of padts at 3 minuts is beautiful. The stair synths at 3:30 are beautiful. Hell, this reminds me so much of Tiesto I might as well mix into my Tiesto In Search Of Sunrise CD and I wouldnt be able to tell the difference.

This really needs music. Something along the lines of "Swimming In The Blue Of The Ocean". Have you ever heard "Color My Eyes With The blue Of The Sky"? It could have a singer just like that. A lot of Woohhhaaa's and Aaaooooaaahh's would be perfect although a bit cliche. Dont get me wrong, without singing is perfect enough. I really could get glowsticks and dance to the nice and easy 100BPM this emits.

Well done. Its nice to hear a professional done progressive trance song on NG.. thats pretty rare. Usually you see all this overmastered crap that isnt pleasant to the ears. Im glad this got top of the week and am glad its getting the attention it deserves. 5'd, Reviewed, And Favorited.

<3's all the way. Major Respect.

Progressive Trance

I love the buildup. It is a very progressive song, but I wish that you wouldnt have gotten rid of background noises near 1:30. If you would have left those pads in and just continued adding to it, it would be a hell of an awesome buildup and would have REALLY made it great. It has some mastering flaws in it, such as the volume levels for everything seem to blur together in an unorganized mess in the begginning. Another tip would be never to use off tune synths for progressive trance songs unless you use it for a short period of time. NEVEEERRR use it for an ending like you did, it doesnt leave a good impression on the ears. The ending really sounts for a song.

All in all, it had some very good strengths such as the nice instruments you created. I loved the bass in this. Congrats for top of week and very nice drum sampling!

Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*

Age 33, Male

Apple & Entrepreneur

Whats a... school?

Little Rock, AR

Joined on 7/28/07

Exp Points:
8,876 / 9,340
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Vote Power:
7.03 votes
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B/P Bonus:
11m 30d