
640 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Sorry, but you didn't use the pre-set loops in garageband even CORRECTLY in this one. You can do good if you really want to become an artists, (SO called artists at newgrounds arent really, they just have a lot of free time lol.) Well, look I used some pre-set loops in garageband with some of my songs including down to the shadows, and running fox. You should listen to some of my music becausee i created ALL of it using garageband. Write a review, I can help you with your music. =) ONLINE OF COURSE LOL

SatoDraygonFist2 responds:

Although i appreciate your condescending tone as much as the next guy...you can keep the smug references to your own valor in check, if you dont mind.

Your blatant, 'hey come listen to my music because you can only be good if you...' kind of rubs me the wrong way. It would have been nice of you to tell me what to change for the next song instead of giving me the usual blather about how your awesomeness factor just leaves mine in the dust, etc, etc.

i know you didn't insinuate any malice or other such sentiment, i just feel that i need to respond as i have. My guess is that your response to THIS response would be something along the lines of, 'jeez lol i was only trying to help' when in reality your feeble stab at a good, healthy review fell almost as short as what you claimed this track did.

As convoluted and sprawling as this response is, i hope you would have the sense not to go to every other of my audio submissions and leave the same fruitless, generally unhelpful reviews. Of course, considering the fact that you so obviously consider yourself noble for kneeling to help me, you might not want to bother with it.

All the best, Sato.


The beat was groovy. (seriously that's the only word I can think off Lol) Well, I really enjoyed this beat, it would be good for a rap or something like that. Nice work. Oh and if you need beat ideas, I have A LOT of songs with beats. =)

Dj-Rippa responds:

thanks man i thought it was groovy too haha
ill check some of ur beats out right now..


This caught me completly by surprise, it contained perfect rythm and everything! I loved it I really did... It was a little bit repetitive at some points, but other times it was great! You should but some harmony in there to make it look good. I use a lot of harmony so if you need ideas, I can help you with that. ^_+_^

GothHawk responds:

Yea, this song stands out from most of my work. Maybe I will PM you about harmony and such. Thanks again!


That was pretty funny. =) LOL I loved this one. Hey, keep it up!

GothHawk responds:

lol you're just listening to all my stuff huh? That's cool. Glad you liked this track. I had a blast making it. I laughed so much during the creation of this song.

I couldn't chase it...

This song made me want to dance man! I got really sweaty just from listening to it. I LOVE the way you combined the beats on and off like that. Great job on this on. =)

GothHawk responds:

lol cool, man. Glad you like it! Enjoy.


I liked this one better than most of your songs. It got a little bit annoying, but if you were to add some harmony in it, it would sound really GOD-LIKE lol.

GothHawk responds:

lol man oh man, thanks dude. Glad you liked it!

Uplifting beat...

I liked the way you mixed the synths together! This is a cool song and it was very original. Most songs aren't like this. Most have the basic cool beat behind them that evryone likes, but this one has a very orignal beat to it. Great job, I hope you suceed In your music creations. If you need ideas, I make a lot of songs from Garageband. Most have pre-set loops on them but 6 don't. =) They still sound pretty cool though. Keep up ypur awesome work!! (Oh and I gave you a 9 because it wasn't very tracy, it was more hip hip hurray!!! If you know what I man Lol.

GothHawk responds:

lol thank you. I appreciate your review. I worked hard on this song, so it's nice to know someone enjoyed it. And yea, I try to get as far from the "norm" as possible. It's all been done, and I want to be different.

Mainly a beat

It was OK for just a beat, but you needed some sort of harmony mixed in with it to make it into a trance song. Good job though. =)

0con responds:


Nice man nice...

All your beats are so chilling, I love them. This one is similiar to King me, and I see no additions to the song exept mayeb for some harmony like a flute or something. Keep it up, oh and if you need harmony ideas, just listen to my song. I am full of them. ^__*

KingNaNU responds:

thanks man i will listen to your songs

Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*

Age 33, Male

Apple & Entrepreneur

Whats a... school?

Little Rock, AR

Joined on 7/28/07

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