It was cool! really, you did a good job in adding little things here and there to make it sound not TOO repetitive. Kepp it up! Try listening to my songs.
It was cool! really, you did a good job in adding little things here and there to make it sound not TOO repetitive. Kepp it up! Try listening to my songs.
Thanks man, this was an odd one for me to write, but I always like writing something that is a little different.
I've already listened to some of your songs and I hope you found the reviews helpful.
Thanks for listening, James
Hmm... I thought it was weird to.
It was very strange! Honestly I didn't like it that much and I'm not sure why it has a 4 in its ratings but it was pretty cool towards the end. Keep up your hard work. Try listening to my songs or something. =)
Thanks for the review. Hopefully I will learn loads by listening to your music!
I loved the synths you put in it. Keep up your good work! Oh and did you make this using garageband?
Thanks! I use Reason 3 (getting Reason 4 soon, yay!).
Liked the beats. Nice job!
thanks Alot.
im actually the drummer in the band lol, im gonna refine the drums though step em up a bit hehe.
thanks for the review mate
It was O.K.
I thought it was a little annoying but it got pretty cool there at the end. Just don't start out songs like that.
yea i dont know what i was thinking. i just like the beginning for some reason though. the only reason i chose that beginning noise is because of the initial burst of bass coming from it. after all i'm just working with the fl studio demo.
You used garageband didn't you? It sounded really cool, like REALLY GOOD. great job!
Nope, not garage band. This song actually is a Guitar riff I had come up with for me and my buddy Jay to go in a game I'm making. I used Fruity Loops for some ambience and originally it had drums and lyrics too. All wrapped up in a program called Cubase for recording and editing. Thanks for the Review dude.
I thought it was really cool, but you need to put in a really intense part with flutes or something. Oh and where can you enter for loop contests?
It's a contest on facpunch forums
you can only use this sample
so i coundlnt add a flute or anything else
It was good BUT you need to take off that annoying PFF PFF PFF sound and replace it with some flutes or something. Keep it up! Oh and what do you mean by "your new album"?
Thank You For your review. Ahh my new album, just a simple small album i keep in my folder :'D
Good. Very good.
It was good! It would be really good for a game so someone probably will download it. Not me though. Sorry! ^_^
Heh, it's fine, as long as you liked it. Glad you did. :)
Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*
Age 33, Male
Apple & Entrepreneur
Whats a... school?
Little Rock, AR
Joined on 7/28/07