Repetitive! Also, coding flaws. Good Graphics Tho.
Ok, so the reaon that MANIPULATE is most commonly chosen is because it is the first one to be registered in the coding... basically your code says on every second the card will be manipulate, summon, possess, manipulate, summon, possess, e.t.c. Since people most commonly click the card on the first second, they get manipulate... at least I know this for the first chapter because i clicked it immediatly like ten times trying to get a different card and then it hit me to try and wait... and i got a different one.
You shouldnt randomize the feature, and if you do you should tell the game not to choose the same card with a simple IF THEN statement. The graphics were nice. Deaths were very very strange and usually didnt make sense. I loled at the fat chick bomb. I can't find the secret medals, but i did manage to get the turbulence one where you click the plane on the 2nd chapter.
Had a nice style to it, ive seen games like this before and am usually pleased with them. It just was a bit annoying and repetitive.
Also, what the hell is the point of entering coins lol?