I made a song once to because my freind died... lol. Well, good job, very simple choords, yet great sounding instruments. The Pad was a little dull, but it was cool. I liked how you included bass in the background. Nice.
Keep it up!
I made a song once to because my freind died... lol. Well, good job, very simple choords, yet great sounding instruments. The Pad was a little dull, but it was cool. I liked how you included bass in the background. Nice.
Keep it up!
It is time to party!!! Freaking awesome! Makes me want to get up and dance like crazy!! WOOHOO!!
My right speaker was sounding pretty strange with that long synth you put in. The first synth to actually have a tune to it, was a little bit off tune. I think that was the idea you were going for, but it still didn't sound to good. Until the synth at 1:10 came in, I thought the song wasn't very good. Good job at that beat. The title fit the selection very well, and I am glad you changed the off tune synth after 1:40 to a different synth. Lol, my right speaker was possessed again a 2:10. The beat was random at 2:30. Still, I could tell a lot of effort was put forth in the song, good job, and if you ever need any ideas, or a laugh, listen to some of my songs. Thanks.
Keep it up.
The piano was a little detuned, so that might have thrown the bass off. Also, in the background there was a dissonant guitar playing, that would have added to the mess. It was purposeful though, the intro had the two saws with a rising pitch, I set it up for one to rise and fall a little faster sounding more out of tune at the peak. It was also panned far to the right so that would be cause for the posession, that's bass! I dunno how it'd sound on a subwoofer, though, might not be low enough... It came back a couple of times though, so that's what was happening at 2:10. 2:30, the bass was a little quiet for what I had wanted, so the chromatic melody didn't come through as much as to tell what it was. It's pretty kickass though.
But, yeah, when the main reece comes in, it settles down a lot and it's not as weird, but that weird drak ambient drum and bass was all I was going for, it's more of a technical piece than a melodic, consonant song.
Cheers for the review, I can see you put some effort into critical thinking.
It was decent, and it sounded pretty good. I liked the synths you used, but I was expecting a hard beat or harmony to come in, but it never did. You can't just have little small synths here and there, you need big ones. THe one at 109 didn't cut it either. If you need any ideas, check out some of my songs. You can review if you want, but I only reviewed one of yours.
Very Raw.
Personally, raw isn't my style, but it was very original. Especially the synth coming in a 31 seconds. Keep up the work man.
hmm...I'm confused what you mean by raw? Thanks for the review man! And I appreciate that you didnt let your personal tastes influence your score :)
No really, this was awesome. I mloved the beat in every way. Kepp it up man!
Thanx man:D:D glad u liked it
You completley destroyed the horror atmosphere you know, LOL. Still, it was a pretty cool, solid tune.
Dude sweet!
You have the same ideas that I do. This was awesome man. I loved the bright pad you used to begin the song. And then continued it with techno beats and sounds. You should listen to some of my music, I think you would like it.
Nice and smooth, especially the singing. Nice work. I liked how you changed the flowing, to rapping. Lol. DIdn't expect a real rap song. Knew it was when I heard the word N****rs. Made me laugh.. =)
Keep it up! And check out some of mine, though it is Ambient and not rap, so you would probably like The Adventures of FattyMcpatty and LardyLarLar more.
lol yeah ima have to check some of em out
WOh! Now this is different.
Same tempo, but that deosn't really matter with how original this one is... The CMON was great lol, made me want to GET DOWN ON TEH DANCE FLOOR! Rocking out to the bass line was sweet. It reminded me of space sort of... you should call it Meteor Hardline or somehing. Great job! oh hey... around 1:30, was that a sample beat? Because you use it in some of your other songs.
a .. sample beat?
err no i make everything myself.. :)
Thx for the nice review!
Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*
Age 33, Male
Apple & Entrepreneur
Whats a... school?
Little Rock, AR
Joined on 7/28/07