Choords off.
I see where you were going with this, and it would sound great, only if you were to play the choords with the beat and at the right tempo. At 1:00 you should add a really heavy beat with some sort of trancy synth in the background. It was pleasant at first, even though off tempo, but then after after 1:20 it got kind of annoying and I had to shiver a little. That synth is bad at 2:00, but I see you inserted some strings in there, good job with that. You can be a good artist if you keep it up man, good job. I give you a 5, however, because the main idea was pretty cool.
In any case, I am going to review some more of your songs.
P.S. If you ever need ideas, listen to some of music. If you want to review you can and I'll respond, b