That was bloody brilliant... lolz. The cartoon animation style reminded me of Ren and Stimpy. GREAT story by the way. I never saw that coming. xD
That was bloody brilliant... lolz. The cartoon animation style reminded me of Ren and Stimpy. GREAT story by the way. I never saw that coming. xD
Dude this flash was freaking brilliant. It was so odd it was funny. Yoiu rock man, seriously. Keep up your hard work and try writing different plots that everyone will understand.
Ta, duck. But most people usually do plots that mere mortals can follow. Life is sometimes unpredictable and I am only a conduit for its formidable power!
It was so simply animated with tweening and such, yet it made me laugh so hard. xD
I think the combination of each hilarious facial expression and the slowww creepy movements made this movie full of win. I saw the ending coming, but none the less it was hilarious because he gave the kid a mr. goodbar.
Funny stuff, great backgrund music, great drawgins, might need smoother lines, but for a first flash... PERFECT.
Look, I give you props for lip syncing because hey, thats hard to do sometimes. But this could of been drawn by a freaking 12 year old. I suck at animating and I could do this... you didnt even voice act any of it! It just a ripped audio clip from "The Whitest Kids U Know" who you did credit, but so what?
All you did was bunch up some stick figures, crapilly draw lines of red and pink strokes from Flash, and put in some audio! The only good thing is the lip syncing. And now 70,000 people think you made this yourself. This got weekly 3rd place?! What? thats even more stupid.
So please.. if your going to submit work to the portal, submit work you WORKED HARD ON instead of this pile of junk you did in a few days. There are animations on the portal right now MIUCH better deserving of the fame this has gotten. In other words, this is just a simple unhonest flash movie.
Mouth syncing.
Smooth Tweens and movements.
Excuse me for getting angry, but honestly I just think this is the most overrated flash I have ever seen.
I Love You
It is funny because its just classic humor from the good old days of playing pokemon. This reminds me of when i was 9 asking my grandpa if I could have some pkemawnz from walmart. I loved that game.
I thought it was hilarious when you had peter flick off everybody lolol xD Even though this humor is cheap and immature, it certainly made me laugh. I think it was very entertaining, and fro a 14 year old this movie is a good movie.
The nimation was alright, some bugs here and there but you know what? I thknk you purposley put those in there to reperesent that gameboy like enviroment.
So all in all... great job. You worked hard on it!
Right... those flickers were on purpose... Heh... <.<
He's immature because I am. :P I never really thought of it, but Peter resembles a mute me... except I don't look like that.
Thanks for the review + your great voicework and support! <3
Dude, this is sure to get some people to try a shot at my voice acting competition! I am glad to have been at service at starting you out on this journey! And I must say, I am impressed! :D
The animation was very good and every scene just cracked me up. The only thing I recommend taking off is the flashing lights, however... it gave me a headache. :/
Ok this just made my day.. I love you KevnSevn xD
First of all, this would have a higher score if you submited it a different day because there was this HUGE spam thing where almost 50 people voted 0 on all the flashes in the portal. However, i think you might win a trophy because of this. Here is my honest review.
I'd like you to keep in mind that i think this is VERY corny and actually made me laugh because the movements and childish acting made it seem almost fake. However the animation was superb and the drawings were very very nice.
Graphics: 10/10
The drawings were all very well done and a HUGE improvement from your last flash. They each were done with almost strokes of paint it seemed. This shows you truly put time and effort into this animation. Respect.
Sounds 6/10
The sound was very hard to hear and i had to almost turn my speakers up all the way to a usually devastating volume. The sound effects like the thunder were actually louder than the voices. Most of the sound effects were very well done, however. Next time use flash to make the sound a bit better and the MB siz e LOT smaller. ;)
Voice 7/10
The acting was pretty bad for the main character. Everything that she said seemed like she didnt mean it, side from a couple of parts she had. She was very monotone. 5/10 The black wolf in the beginning was pretty nice because it was deep and easy to understand. The acting, however, didnt seem like he really loved the other wolf. This made it seem fake, almost. 8/10 The rabbit was nice, but yet again some of it didnt seem like the rabbit was meaning everything he said. However, it was a bit better than the black wolf. 9/10 Finally, i only had two parts and give myself a 9/10.... but you know I cant really judge myself xD
Animation: 9/10
The animation was nice and enjoyable because it was a different style that people usually see. It was like a moving painting almost. The detail in each color was perfect. However, it was a bit sketchy at times. Such as the one time when the main wolf was breathing, you just put in a whole bunch of scribbles to represent the diaphragm, which worked well but was clearly noticeable. I loved the movements you made like the butterfly and the running. Well done.
Plot: 7/10
The plot started out a nice story for a nice series. It was also pretty original. This could be made into a nice movie if you had the time and the motivation. The downside to the plot was that some of it didnt make since. Like how the main wolf just randomly passed out, how she attacked a bunny but wouldnt attack the talking bunnies. Why would she attack the bunnies in the first place if she didnt to the talking ones? Racism lol. :P Also, there were a bit... too many questions left unanswered. Who are the other tribE? Why did they kill everyone? Why were they stronger? How do they talk? Why is the sky made out of lines?
All in All: 8/10
It was a great movie and you worked very hard on it. You stayed with it even though you ran into some speed bumps. You even got together the right cast of voice actors! You are very deserving of a trophy, in my opinion, because you not only stuck with it but made it a pretty nice movie in general. I hope the next one is a little less corny and has a bit more action and comedy in it. ALLL drama gets kind of... well corny. Throw in some lines here in there to soften up the mood. Put in a fight.
Good job! Keep it up. :) I will be glad to voice a major charecter next time.
I agree. I should have done some research as to when to submit it. I always submit at random times, lol. xD
Heheh, well I'm glad it gave you a laugh. I have to admit....even from the beginning, it was a corny concept, but I decided that perhaps putting it into animation form would make it less so. Oh well. I don't mind people laughing. :)
Thanks. Heheh, yeah, I work with sketches and scribbles a lot unfortunately....just my cluttered, lazy style.
Well, I'm glad you sort of liked the plot. Well, the whole story is complicated. There are so many things to explain that I can't possibly fit into the first movie. xP I will add more info in the story section on the website. I can see how people are getting confused with my crazy plot holes. Lol, I liked that last question. I'm going to have to add all of yours and everyone else's question to an FAQ lol. art is bad...I know.
Thanks buddy. You were an awesome voice actor....your voice fit Tuk perfectly. You all deserve the trophies as well. I agree that drama is corny. I wish I wasn't too lazy to add a lot of action. Heh, yeah I will. I am wondering if the script for the next one is even more corny. :P
Thanks buddy. I have a good script up and running just for you. :)
Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*
Age 33, Male
Apple & Entrepreneur
Whats a... school?
Little Rock, AR
Joined on 7/28/07