beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat synth
WOH!!!!!!!!!! Jesus, I dont see how you think MY music is professional lol. (You said that in one of your reviews to me)
Dude this was fantastic. The reason all your music is so goosd is because you include background pads that go perfect with every note in your song. The way your music is set up... you could actually make a really long trance song by combining all your songs together. No kidding! You should do that. Many trance artists do that. You are also eligible for sending this to Itunes Trance radio, and they will play it once a week every week. ON THE FREAKING RADIO MAN!!!
I love your style. Everything is perfect... this is the exact satyle of music i listen to. I am downloading all your songs, and putting them together in one gigantic trance song. Then I will send it back to you. :D
I could do this perhaps... perhaps if I had a different software besided Gerageband. (I mean make a song like this, not combine them together. I can do that in a day tops.)