Very nice on redoing the Main newgrounds song lol. But it wasn't original so..... It isn't going to get very good ratings... well it might but I like it how you looped it. Nice. =P
Very nice on redoing the Main newgrounds song lol. But it wasn't original so..... It isn't going to get very good ratings... well it might but I like it how you looped it. Nice. =P
Hmm... interesting!
I loved your slow... nice.... beat and synths. You deserve much gratitude for this one! Keep it UP!!!! and try visiting the Audio Forums.
Thanks I appreciate it! I probably should be on the forums more often as well.
Epic lol.
Very good, but just because it didn't start over in the way a loop needs to, it gets an 8. =P
¿Want Reviews?
I bet you do because I can see you work very hard on all your songs. It is like techno... but Rock at the same time. Very awesome! I especially love the timing of your beats. I compose music to... but not like this. I am at a different style. If you would like, could you check out some of my songs and review them as well as I did to yours? Because I HAVE got to get your opinion.
oh, and if you want reviews, just review other peoples music as I am yours requisting for reviews... and they will do it!!! LOL Ironic isn't it?
I love the vocals in your song!
Where DO you get them?! I loved this tune as well. It deserves a much higher score. The beats and synths you put in were at exact timing and tuning together. I am not sure what program you use, but you got it made bro.
Haha thanks mate! good ol' FL studio ;)
While Doing A Research Paper? Lol
Very very cool! One of the few Rock type music I hear that is good. Especially you made it when you did a research paper! I loved the vocals you put in there from Astro-Boy. (At least I think that's where you got it from...) Well, very awesome but I am giving it a strict 9 for it being repetitive in the background by JUST a little bit. Great job and keep it up. =P
Haha thanks man, I'm actually writing my term paper for my English class right now but I get bored and take breaks. This was the result :D
I appreciate the review! cheers!
Ok, one thing to change I see.
All your songs sound a lot alike. You need to have different ideas besides this same basic beat and synth pads. Change it around a little, see what you come up with... AN RESPOND TO ALL YOUR REVIEWS!!!
Synths...maybe,but i think you got some problems with your hearing-cant find alot in common between all of my songs. maybe i just cant hear it? o.O
Very cool!
You getting good at this!!! keep it up and you will make a really cool song. =P Try sticking to this theme... oh and BTW this is trance.
Couldn't decide which genere it was,so i put it as Dance...thought its the closest.
Your best yet! I loved that tune that you used... and the synths you used with it. Just a little bit repetitive... that is the only error In saw! Great job for your efforts. My songs are just like yours you know... SERIOUSLY REVIEW SOME OF THEM!! =p
Thx lol,even though I can't understand why people like this one more than my others lol.
Very cool!
Good job, it sounded great. The only thing I recomend to changing this song into something great is putting in some violins or synth pads. But everything else you did very good on. My songs are basically like this one but all are different from eachother. If tyou want ideas, just have a look at some of my songs if you want. Thanks man, glad to help.
Thx for the review,no thx for the tips. It's nothing personal,it's just that I dont have any background in music,I never had any lessons related to music so listening to your music won't help me much ^^
what can I say,I'm an ammature xD
Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*
Age 33, Male
Apple & Entrepreneur
Whats a... school?
Little Rock, AR
Joined on 7/28/07