It was way6 to organic for my taste, but I won't judge it from my perspective.
I will judge it from everyones.
This song is alight, but it asounds very annoying... Try using different instruments.
It was way6 to organic for my taste, but I won't judge it from my perspective.
I will judge it from everyones.
This song is alight, but it asounds very annoying... Try using different instruments.
Not to sound stupid oranything, but I'm new to making music and I'm not exactly sure what you mean by organic, but that's okay.
Ah trusty old Garageband.
iI use Garageband in all my songs, but i have never been able to make anything decent with a guitar. I think this actually might be a pre-set melody though... LOL.
You can still make a really cool song though with Garageband if you try hard enough.
Take a look at some of my songs, and let me knoe if you need any help.
I have helped 4 people so far. ^__*
"I think this actually might be a pre-set melody though"
What do you mean? It's just 2 track guitar with a hint of reverb.
That was very funny, I almost fell out of my chair laughing when you started the voice acting near second 1. YOu speed up your voice, and slowed it down to.
Nice job!!! You should be in my next voice acting of FattyMcpatty and LardyLarLar.
lol, actually, I only sped it up to make the leangth shorter. No one wants to waste two min. of their time on a simple vox. test after all. The ending was simply lowered in pitch, not slowed down. Anyway, thanks for the review man.
What the hell...
Lol,nice Garageband pre-set loops. I have never heard them used like that before though.
You have a good ear for beats and combinatyions though, keep it up.
Thanks for the listen. They're not preset lops, though, they're edited. and the underlining sound is a different song with octave lowered style effects.
It had a very complex layer synth in it...
Everything flew together so surprising smoothly. The build up was fantastic.
Wow man, GREAT JOB!!!
Damn.... at 54 seconds everything was too loud. You need to turn down the master volume then and this song would be PERFECT!!
i worked quite a while to get the timing right between all the tracks and set automation for volume and other such things so as to keep it as dynamic as possible...
yeah, i guess the cut-in at :54 is a little loud. I probably was so used to hearing it over and over again that i forgot most people will listen (of course) never hearing the song before. not perfect. i had fun really pulling some of the instruments out of the mix with M/S processing, phase offset, and some of those stereo width "magic boxes".
thanks for the quick review there...
What does that mean?
Well anyway, I lovged the sound of this trancy tune. It was a good loop.
I should use this in SOMETHING... but I don't know what XD.
MSX = Japanese NES.
The beat of this was spectacular. I loved the combination of all kinds of instruments and synths AND beats going on at once without and chaos. Every seconds awaited a new note and sound. It was very original and would be perfect for a game like Fancy Pants Adventure.
Great job, keep it up!!!
Hey thanks allot man, I didn't expect to get any reviews that good. I WILL keep it up, there are more coming...
Sounds like Nightmare on Elm Street.
Sounds like the opening from Nightmare on Eklm street. It was really cool. It had a nice build up to it, along with a very nice sounding synth pad. I expected a huge climax though near 55 seconds instead of a change in tune. Because of this, it sounded a little bit dull. The song only had a pluck synth and a repeating beat. You need to add more than just a changing loop. Sure, you inserted some Ambient pads in the background near the middle... but that made it still boring.
In other words, add some nice climaxs with strings and powerful emotional synths. =P
Yeah i tried that but i felt it lost it's rawness, ill try some more to see how it comes out.
Thanks for reviewing :D
Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*
Age 33, Male
Apple & Entrepreneur
Whats a... school?
Little Rock, AR
Joined on 7/28/07