You never cease to amaze me! Are you singing this? God I could playa ll of your songs at a real rave, which I am seriously thinking of doing at the next one I go to next week..
Wow.. just god wow.
You never cease to amaze me! Are you singing this? God I could playa ll of your songs at a real rave, which I am seriously thinking of doing at the next one I go to next week..
Wow.. just god wow.
Thank you! Tell em dj-Nate is always looking for some play time =D
A couple of things.
1.) The fuzzy bot noises you use arent very attractive to the ears.
2.) Some of the sounds in the background sound off tune.
3.) The song at some parts doesnt seem like it fits at all with a remix of sonic and actually doesnt seem like a song at all.
HOWEVER, you seem to have the talent to at least mix some sort of tune.
Thanks that makes me feel real good about myself ^^; Great job XD
I already know this is gonna be good... The intro really counts for keeping people interested in the song. Oh it building up... annnddd... oh god this is freaking sweet progressive music.
Wow... this is pro. REAL PRO. every synth and beat is freaking sweet.
Thanks for the review, man! We've put a whole lot of effort into everything; we're glad you thought it showed.
Well, it seems like you really didnt try for this. It wasnt very good acting at all and the ending just wasnt original. There was only two characters and they both sounded the same. Try to include a longer story with more characters instead of just saying a random 30 second voice clip.
Thanks for entering though. ;) Better luck next time. *Lol whats up with the da dda dum dum da d daaa at the end?*
Dylawrence said:
Suggestions: needs more content, and the characters could seem more real... but the real problem was the story, it needs more depth!
Compliments: fucking awesome punch line!
is that out of 100? whatever. i did actually try, this is just the first time i've ever done anything like this. the "da da dum" part was really the only spur of the moment stuff. i'd like to improve my voice acting and participate in any future contests.
thanks Dylawrence!
Now personally, this was one of my favorites. It was HILARIOUS. I give it a 99 for comedy. However, the voice acting wasnt really VOICE ACTING... it was more like a guy just making up a story like on a radio show or something. There was only 2 people in your story talking so I couldnt really tell if you had any talent in voicing multiple characters. So anyway, thanks a lot for entering. CAUSE THIS MADE MY DAY. It was so funny. xD
Dylawrence said:
Suggestions: maybe have the other characters in his story talk as well, it might've been more enjoyable to actually make it seem like it was happening, instead of a dude talking the whole time (even though it's already been done)
Compliments: For what it is, it's such a good rendition of a kid bullshitting his way out of trouble, and it has nice humor to it
LOL yeah, I did this real quick as soon as I heard about the competition. Next month ill try to rock some faces.
Wow... that... was... TERRIFIC. I laughed at everything in this. And lol are you mentioning me just so ill give you a high score? WELL IT WORKED YOU BASTARD. This acting was waaayyy unexpected. It was VERY good. You do a very well british womans voice! and the gay voice was just too funny. This was the most original one so far, thats for sure.
Dylawrence said:
Suggestions: some of the sound effects sound a little out of place, and could be a little cleaner.
Compliments: I LOVE how you made fun of the same contest you're entering, and it's entertaining the entire 9ish minutes. You're definitely winning something I hope!
sirjeffofshort said:
(Personal note: as a writer this was my favorite entry, if this were a writing competition he would have had my top vote no problem haha, just felt the others had a better show of range and fit)
i am so pleased you enjoyed this LOL. i was really worried that it sucked the big one. i am really pleased that i got third place though. i was sure there where much better ones than this. but i am not complaining! the sound effects where done using a keyboard. because i had no programmes or anything. everything was done via the keyboard. and the sound effects where applied to the original instruments via reaper. and OMG lol, the gay voice? i didnt intentionally do any gay voices! hahaha!
if you mean the main character it is the voice of the kitty in my puppet show.
I certainly didnt mind making fun of the contest. it was all in good humour, and i felt it could relate to everyone juding and entering. i certainly plan on making all my entries as interesting as possible! and i will certainly try to improve my range and effects though. i appreciate everyones constructive criticisms, and evryones input. and thanks Fat kid! you rock. :D:D:D
3rd place! yayness! horay!
DAMN. This was really good! I was NOT expecting something like this! You did very well in making each charecter sounding different! THe acting was VERy good as well. The only thing that made the score lower from each judge was the fact that you had a sort of monotone thing going on. Each voice was too stressed. Relax a little while doing them! Put in some evil laugh every now and then to spicen up it a bit if you cant get away from that monotone. OH AND THIS ACTUALLY SOUNDS LIKE A MOVIE LOL. Very original!
Dylawrence said:
Suggestions: the pacing seems a little slow at times, and if it's a trailer then it should be faster paced!
Compliments: cool story man! The music choice is excellent, and I'd like to see the real movie!
Timmy said:
Hi there,
Thanks a lot for review, I appreciate it. :) I'll take your suggestions to heart for the future. Thanks and have a nice day!
That intro was sweettastic!! This is freaking amazing. The beat is smooth and hard style, yet it is also very soft and relaxing. The pads and shakers in the background add the nicest touch to the song... You know what? I think I might use this in my next game, Slappy the Walrus.
You still suck though ahah. ;P
Suck is a relative term.
Your boive blows me away man. Its freaking orgasmic really. The only thing that I didnt like was your high voice peak at 1:02 and the strange start off. Everything else sounded fantastic. This song felt the need for an electric guitar solo though and some kick ass drums. The drum loop in the background was nice, but didnt fill in that emptiness.
The lyrics were very addictive and nice! I always liked it when you said I was there to stay and how was there a way? Your quite a nice writer.
OH I just noticed that small electric guitar in the background, but you should have boosted it up by A LOT. Get that bass out man!
Peace. Oh and your getting top of the week I know it! >:/
About the guitar and drums, I completely understand. It is my instinct actually to use much more interesting percussion in my songs, but when I wrote the first version, I was in a lazy hurry so the drums were very basic. When I remade it, I wanted to fix them but I also wanted to stay true to the original. And I also wanted to add a lot more guitar, but again the original only had a brief period of guitar play near the end. Even though I made this to be final, I still might be tempted enough to add those changes before it's officially done. Thanks for reviewing, and I sure do hope this makes it to top of the week. lol
Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*
Age 33, Male
Apple & Entrepreneur
Whats a... school?
Little Rock, AR
Joined on 7/28/07