I talked about this all day today! ITS HILARIOUS!!!! This is great man, I love the yellow high heels he has. xD
I talked about this all day today! ITS HILARIOUS!!!! This is great man, I love the yellow high heels he has. xD
The animation was SUPERB. Especially the beginning! You know that chill you get when you see something really awesome? I got that chill straight down my back. THe 3D illusion with the hills was great. You even managed to throuw in the cartoonish comedy look of everything afterwards! 10/10
Kind of sketchy, but of course you just summed up everything in a nice little package. LOL IM A FIRE DANCER HUR HUR HUR. I thought the way you made fun of the plot in the real game was funny. 9/10
-VOICES- Some of the voices were better quality than others, as in some sounded clearer than others. Like the fire dancer guy came out CRYSTAL clear while a voice before sounded kind of blurred out. (TomaMoto did the fire guy right?) Navi sounded really nice as well. I hope to voice act for you someday. YEAH I VOICE ACT TOO WOOT WOOT. 9/10
OH yeah this is a pure genus flash movie in the humor section because its a parody. All parodies rock. Zelda fans of all kinds will find this funny because they can relate to what your talking about. My favorite joke was the part when the guy says NICE ASS. I saw it coming when he was talking about Link lmao. 10/10
All in all, 10/10 5/5 Great job, keep it up, and if you need any voice acting just holler at me. I have a crystal clear mic and everything. Nothing to improve on in this film by the way. NOTHING. 4.58 is a pretty beastly score too.. DAAAMMNNN.
This is REALLY underrated! I mean BAJESUS!!! Every animation is so freaking pro and the fighting is GREAT. LOl to the DBZ references.
Aww maaannn
you should have gotten me to voice act. :(
Well anyway, I am REALLY impressed. This was a great and fantastic idea! FRONT PAGE.
I didn't need voice acting :P Thanks a lot!
This was pretty freaking hilarious. However, it was poorly animated for what you guys can do. I bet this took you a day to make. the voice acting wasnt all that well done either.
Ehh 8/10 though cause it was funny.
Boring on my opinion.
The music and everything went very well together, but everything just started out way too slowly. I didnt undertstand the intro either.. and believe me, I am not simple minded. Maybe its just I have been watching too much comedy lately.. congrats on getting front page!!
Lawl Hamburgers
It has been done before obviously, but congrats on your first ever flash. AND NOW WE MAKE DEAD SPACE.
onward!!!! yo!!! and obviously is not my best work ^^
That was the most perfect insulting parady I have ever seen in my entire life on NG.
Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*
Age 33, Male
Apple & Entrepreneur
Whats a... school?
Little Rock, AR
Joined on 7/28/07