
1,158 Audio Reviews

640 w/ Responses


It is very hard to achieve the feeling of joy through music, the word Europhia is a mental state of well being. This songs tends to provide you with that amazing experience that can only be described in two words. Pure trance. The beat, the synths, and the pads mix together in a harmony that is totally original, amazing, and so kickass that no words could possibly describe them.

This song is fucking dope, in other words. Where can I buy your brilliance on Itunes?

Thanks a bunch man

This is PERFECT for the racoon battle lmao. Added to the MCFargles playlist!!! :D

AvizuraNG responds:

No problemo ;) haha

It almost sounds like Moby...

Ever listened to Mobys Animal Rights album? It sounds a lot like this in many ways. That background synth that comes in slowly sounds a lot like the common synth he seems to use along with that keyboard. Even the beat sounds like it. This is pretty much a Moby Tribute! Of course it needs some mastering and some more pads in the background to add more effect, but other than that it sounds like an excellent song. Its trying to be peaceful, which it is, but the best combination of feelings is when you feel peaceful yet enlightened at the same time, which you can do with brightness, reverb, echo, and powerful effects added t powerful instruments such as pads, guitars, and yes even the baby keyboard.

durn responds:

Nay, I've only ever heard Moby's radio releases, haven't been exposed to any of the full albums. So... :P I dunno if I'd call it a Moby tribute as I certainly wasn't thinking of Moby when I made the track. :D

I agree about the adding of more pads, they're not something I've really got a full grasp of yet. As for mastering... in time, I'm still having fun getting a grip on composition. :D

Thanks for the great review, FatKidWitAJetPak! :)

NIce one on the top 50

Looks like you finally got something you deserved. Dont let the gay audio voting system get you down. This beat is nice and smooth and flows so well into an anwesome synth and bass combination. Its almost like a hip hop beat without the lyrics... in fact that is exactly what it is. You could work on your mastering a bit by making the notes a bit more powerful, as in turn up their brightness. Add some pads in the background and some lyrics to really get the emotions flowing. Nice job on the tune, now you just need to add a bit of a powerfulness to it.

CKC2009 responds:




(((Not disqualified because this was submitted on time, but not approved on time which is against the authors ability. However, to be fair, the score will have a -3 put on it 68 - 3 = 65 in order of Dylawrences normal scoring rate. We think his score would have been a bit more harsher than ours, subtracting the score by abit so -3 is being generous))))

I was listening to this earlier and I couldnt stop laughing. The acting is pretty awful, im not going to lie, but GOD that poor acting made this skit just hilarious. What was up with that main characters voice? What the hell was up with the kids voice? WHAT THE HELL WAS UP WITH THIS SKIT? I couldnt stop laughing at that "rooaaarrr" thats the best roar I have ever heard... maybe you should have voiced for Robot Dinosours instead of me. I enjoyed the originality in this, you really have the mind of a comedian. You simply need to work on your acting. You have the mic, now practice some skills. Instead of randomly voicing a character on the top of your head, spend time developing the character and ACT HIM/HER OUT. BE THE CHARACTER. Dont imagine your a kid at a mic, imagine your the character. Its really that simple... form there you can develop your own acting techniques. PHIL YOUR BACK! Puberty... best line ever. Hilarious, but poor on acting man. You have a nice range though! Try adding music to the background to spicen up things a bit.

DYLAWRENCE SAYS: *nothing since this was not approved on time when he judged*


Acting 20/35
Fit 19/25
Originality 11/15
Range 11/15
Mixing 8/10
Total - 69

SnazzyHelmet responds:

Well, thanks for everything
I'll be sure to practice.



(((Not disqualified because this was submitted on time, but not approved on time which is against the authors ability. However, to be fair, the score will have a -3 put on it 69 - 3 = 66 in order of Dylawrences normal scoring rate. We think his score would have been a bit differnt than ours, subtracting the score by abit so -3 is being generous))))

I love the nasally nerdy voice mixed with the jock voice. God, this is a classic jock and nerd contrast conversation. The acting was a bit off at times, so make sure to carry out the liens niceeee andd slooww in order to prevent screw ups. When voicing the jock, REALLY GET FREAKED OUT from the nerd and trryy and help him.. with your brilliant idea of porn creating! Then voice the nerd thinking uhh WHAAAT? In other words, try and get into character. Also, in order to spicen up things a bit, you should add some background music are ambience like kids playing in there, or street cars passing bye, e.t.c. Then have the kids freak out when they start fighting. How hilarious would the environment make the sketch? Without the environment, it isn't as funny. ....Lol. Ok that ending. Lol... just lol. You could have made him REALLY start crying ahahah. Great job! You made one of the most original endings on the contest. It's a shame Dylawrence wasn't able to review yours because of moderation approval, but hey contest rules man. You didn't get THAT much subtractd off so don't worry. This was one of my personal favs, the acting and mixing was just a bit off.

Acting: 25/35
Fit: 20/25
Originality: 15/15
Range: 12/15
Mixing: 3/10
Total: 75/100

DYLAWRENCE SAYS: *Not approved on time when he judged*


Master Addiction-
Acting 22/35
Fit 17/25
Originality 9/15
Range 7/15
Mixing 3/10
Total - 58



(((Not disqualified because this was submitted on time, but not approved on time which is against the authors ability. However, to be fair, the score will have a -3 put on it 85 - 3 = 82 in order of jennifers normal scoring rate. We think her score would have been a bit more harsher than ours, subtracting the score by abit so -3 is being generous))))

The voices do sound different, providing a wide range of "professionally: sounding voices. All of them sounded like doctors / businessmen. I was very impressed by your acting! Its arare seeing a serious skit here in the contest, so props for that. I personally find it much harder to voice act in a drama than it is to voice act in a comedy. I also found it cool that you provided a wide range of emotions. Each character thought differently of the project. I think you needed ambiance music in the background though. You also paused at the wrong times. Instead of pausing at the end of your sentences, let the recorder go on for at least 2 seconds, then stop it. This way a nice extended silence is added to each line, making it a bit more in depth and suspenseful. I liked the third person and first person narratives from each character, but you should have not introduced each character all at once. Perhaps have a reporter voice saying "Hi, I am here with one of the brothers of the blab la bla company. Tell us your name" and then ave him speak about the company in his perspective, go onto the next character and introduce him with that character speaking as to not REPEAT the "hi im speaking with..." line. There are multiple ways of using this reporter technique, and im sure you can come across them! Great acting, a little poor on mixing, nice originality, and a good range. Good job!

Acting: 28/35
Fit: 20/25
Originality: 15/15
Range: 14/15
Mixing: 5/10
Total: 82/100


Acting: 34/35
Fit: 24/25
Originality: 15/15
Range: 12/15
Mixing: 7/10
Total: 92/100

Damn... that's refreshing. I cant help but think it's been done before but since I can't recall where, it's getting big originality points. I enjoyed the whole "everyone's a narrator" approach to storytelling.
Now the mixing was kinda lacking... there were hard pops and hisses that were too frequent to slip by, some music would've been a really nice touch too.
Water of Youth is awaiting moderator approval-let me know when it's posted and I'll review.

ArtellTheWanderer responds:

Thanks for the reviews! I'm a newborn baby when it comes to using a mic and recording professionally, so I didn't really know how to cancel the pops and clicks, or know how to properly space my lines. I would've liked to have put in music as well, but I only heard about the contest about a week and a half before the deadline, so I was rushed on this particular project.
I like the suggestions you've made, and I'll keep them in mind for the next one. I'm hoping that next time--school assignments and surprises permitting--I will have a much more professional submission with music and maybe even sound effects. I'm grateful for this opportunity to put myself out there and try to show my talents! Looking forward to the next big thang.



Umm. Lawl. Jacking off to a ... dog? That's hot. I love your voice effects ahahha. Welcome to the lester show. You have a unique voice acting style where you create all your sound effects with your mouth. Its kind of like the guy from NPR who makes all those crazzyass sound effects. Wow, that radio announcer is quite the charmer! Pet your cat... lol. PUSSY JOKE. God WTF is going on here? Lester joins forces with the devil? GOOD CHRIST. You have a god awful range of voices. The acting seemed to be a BIT off however *muwahah I found something you could improve on* All of your characters seem to be well, sompletley and absolutely INSANE. You should try and develop a different TONE to your characters. Try and make some of them serious, and have them just go "WTF" to the insane characters your so good at. Also, try and develop a less random style of plot. Develop around an understandable and normal atmosphere such as a man working in a business office... and not about an insane and sycophantic radio announcer who gets off at dogs. Don't get mewrong, I think its hilarious but not everyone will. You can make EVERYONE laugh with an organized plot lol. Trust me, I have tried. Your so sexy tingtonger, can I pet your cat?

Acting 30/35
Fit 23/25
Range 15/15
Originality 10/15
Mixing 9/10
Total 87/100


Acting: 31/35
Fit: 24/25
Originality: 15/15
Range: 14/15
Mixing: 9/10
Total: 93/100

FUCK YOU and your funny ass bate noises... I have to say this was the most embarrassing submission to listen to, partly because I was laughing like a dipshit, and partly because my roommate thinks I'm looking at gay porn with your grunts and squishy noises... that aside I think it's safe to say you've gotten this VA thing down to a science... so there. (fucking bastard)


The Lester Show-I would hire this guy for a professional job right now.
Acting 34/35
Fit 22/25
Originality 10/15
Range 11/15
Mixing 8/10
Total -85


*I am unworthy of quoting from this... piece of work*


***At the end of the contest, this entry was not submitted to Newgrounds on time. Therefore, it is disqualified from the contest since not all judges were able to judge. Here are my scores, however, for the authors personal benefits.***


Your microphone seems to be very clear. Your acting is to monotone, however, but with improvement you could make some great recordings with quality like that. You should have included some music in the background to spicen up some things. These voices did seem different from eachother, so you seem to have a nice range. You even had some mixing in there where the woman talked in the background. The woman actually seemed to have some nice acting. The monotone voice of the dark guy seemed to well... fit his character. He laughed a bit, seemed serious, wasn't that bad really. Especially since this is your first voice acting skit, I must say you have some great capabilities. You should work on making your acting a bit more EXCITING. Get really into the characters and try and make your voice a bit louder and more in depth. Good luck man.

Acting 25/35
Fit 18/25
Range 14/15
Originality 10/15
Mixing 8/10
Total 75/100

*Chris your breaking my heart*

Danimalz responds:

Lol thanks a lot! I honestly am new to this so I didn't know what to expect. And goddamn it took you a freakin long time to judge this.
Ha but I am grateful you took the time to judge it even if it was (or wasn't) late.

Final Voice Acting Contest -5- Results!


That is a nice deep voice. Hahah, that doesn't make any sense.. this thing changes the weather. I love his purposely pausing voice as if he was an evil version of the captain from Start Trek. He is so overly dramatic. His little igor was cute. DOCUMENTATION YOU SAY? Nice Russian assassinator voice! You had a very nice range of voices. I loved the acting as well. The only thing I could recommend is making each character sound a bit more INTO IT. They seemed kind of bored while trying to be exciting. All of their emotions were tied in with a boring emotion, something I quite cant put my finger on. Finally, someone managed to come up with a nice reason to say "And that's why im a millionaire" instead of just dicking it up at the last second. Nice job. :)

Acting: 28/35
Fit: 23/25
Originality: 15/15
Range: 15/15
Mixing: 8/10
Total: 89/100


Acting: 33/35
Fit: 24/25
Originality: 13/15
Range: 14/15
Mixing: 9/10
Total: 93/100

So, I gotta be honest... this one might be my favorite simply because of the execution. The Idea has definitely been done before, but this was done with a refreshing way of going about villains and their shenanigans.
That's not to say I don't have a couple of nit-picks, such as the seemingly unnecessary timeline changes, it was kinda hard to follow at some times.
There were definitely great uses sound effects, although some music would be a nice choice. Everyone sounded very unique, except the "announcer?" sounds suspiciously like the hero!

Fucking awesome job on this one!


The Evil Absent Minded-This guy is ready to enter the market as a professional.

Acting 30/35
Fit 20/25
Originality 14/15
Range 13/15
Mixing 5/10
Total - 82

"What? That doesnt even make sense! This thing changes the weather!"

Thanks for entering the voice acting contest!

Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*

Age 33, Male

Apple & Entrepreneur

Whats a... school?

Little Rock, AR

Joined on 7/28/07

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7.03 votes
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11m 30d