
1,158 Audio Reviews

640 w/ Responses

Its so warm.

I heard stories of you, and remember you as well. Now I come to your userpage to bring in the memories of how I use to listen to some of your music, and I come across this. This is simply amazing. I could write imagery to it, and I am hehe, but you probably wont see it. Perhaps its for good, solid, poetic justice that you do not see my review, because this song itself washes a feeling of loneliness and goodbye forever over me.

A boy sitting in his room, sits up to stare at a picture of a landscape painting his grandmother gave to him for his 7th birthday. He admires its colors, its wonderful depth of green and violet. Outside, a mountain rests, calling to the child. He grabs a cap from his bedside table, and heads out his door.

The ground is soft. The yellow and orange leaves scattered amongst it provide a nice feeling of warmth for the boy. He smiles as he trots along its path under the daytime sun. He takes one look at his house, then continues down the path and into the wonderful unknown.

Up the hill, tiny branches cover the sky, but there is just enough to let the light pour downwards and onto the boys face. He climbs over rocks and bumps in the trail until he reaches an overlook. The red and orange hue reflects in the boys eyes as he stares into the clearing. He walks out of the tree filled path, and emerges into pure Fall.

The trees are all turning. What was once a green forest is now a mixture of openness and everlasting beauty, secluded forever in the forest. The little boy gazes over the hills, and sits down to sleep a peaceful sleep.

Well gork, you might be this child. You may come back to your home, where you started spreading your musical talents over us, or you may continue adventuring out in the forest you are in today. I hope we can see you again sometime, and maybe you'll even respond to this review.

Absolutely Beautiful Music.

gOrc responds:

Hey there!

From time to time I am checking newgrounds for new flash movies of my favourite artists. And sometimes, when there are new reviews to my older songs, especially reviews of the kind you've posted, I start to look back to the newgrounds-times. ^^

I left this place because, unlike you, many of the people here misunderstood the worth of music. I don't know if I'll post any new material here someday, I think it is enough for me, when I am able to read such beautiful und thoughtful responds from the people that are sharing the same colourful imaginery with me.

Have a nice day,

Yo man...

"Yo dog," he said with a sneering attitude. His friend looked at him through half closed eyes. "Yeah mang?" he said in a smooth, rap like funk. "Why is this fucking spaceship moving so fucking slow man," he asked. "I dont know man, just roll with it" he replied.

In reality, these two young men were not inside of an intergalactic spaceship, but were inside of a car going at 90 miles an hour down a public road. They crashed in an instant, and later a pound of pot was found in the back of their car. Their parents had no comment.

(((This really made me think of a drug like atmosphere lol, great loop for a funny Johnny Roketfingers style game)))

The Scientist

The scientist, sitting in his dark and dull room falls asleep... and daydreams of the outside world. What is it like out there? Are there robots scanning the cities for civilization? Are there green trees that float on islands in the magestic waters of the seas? Are there actual creatures with beating hearts, flying in the night sky underneath the twinkling moonlight? Is it possible that there is an actual outside world, or is all of that just an illusion told by our leaders?

Perhaps this is just a fake world, but its alright to imagine that its real. The way the sun hovers over the horizon, casting a pink and gold glow throughout the world is convincing enough for me to sit back, relax, and enjoy the glow. One of these days im going to get out of here. My robot and I. We will travel the sands of the beaches, sail the waters of the ocean, and climb the rocky mountains of the terrain. Ive seen those pictures on the TV. No man could ever make such wonderful paintings of life and joy.

Sure, we can make these machines from what earth gives us, but are they truly pieces of art, or is just the rock itself all we really need? This metal feels cold... but the dirt feels warm. Ive had this plant sitting on my table for sometime now, feeding it any droplet of water I can give it... nurturing it with all the care and hope I can give it... maybe I can one day give it the sun.

Thats what I will do, I will give you the sun. You will see! I promise you, when I get out of here, I will hand you the moon and all the stars surrounding it. I will suck the clouds from the deep blue sky, and blow them over your face. I will climb the highest peak and pick the most beautiful flower I can find. I will walk the earth, I will feel the earth, and one day when im old and grey I will sink down into the earth and be apart of it. I will be with the clouds. I will be with the sun. I will be with the sky... forever.

(((I nearly cried when writing this... no kidding. This was one of the most beautiful songs I have heard in a long time. Thank you)))

SineRider responds:

Wow that is some nice writing there. You sure were able to take a lot from this song, even though it was a pretty simple, personal meaning to me. It was a real joy to read :)

I'm really glad you liked this song, I put my heart into it when I wrote it


There is a mountain, covered in jungle and vines. A warrior is dashing through them, carrying a bow on his back. He sees a small light, and heads towards it. He jumps out of the jungle and into the warm sunny air of the world. He dances amongst the rocky hills and leaps over streams. The air washes against his face. Tiny forest animals lean up from their daily drink to witness this hunter dashing through their land. They scamper out of his way. He heads towards the top of a hill. He pust on a contraption on his back, and it transforms into a pair of mechanical wings made out of bamboo and leaves. Then, he jumps. Beautiful. He thinks the world is beautiful around him. He has mastered its valleys and conquered its oceans. Now he must absorb its air, and fly high for the clouds.

(((Great mix od dubstep and piano. I thought the industrial like quality was a bit to harsh, but it provided a nice mix of heavy and soft which was original and new to me. I liked the mechanical feel to it, but tied into nature. This is why I thought of him turning something into wings, out of nature itself. The beautiful part was a nice, solid touch.)))

SessileNomad responds:


lol really nice imagery, i feel like i should write a song to accompany your words, not the other way around

A Marble

The large metal machine begins to flicker in the night, its small lights opening and closing with compartments in strange places for unkown reasons. Its future like design begins to raise in the air, steam shooting from its pipes and fire emerging from its holes. The dirt below it shatters in an instant, along with everything around it as it zooms into the air unexpectedly, and disappears into the sky.

It rushes past planets in its path and trails through the galaxy. Creatures large and small watch from their home as a shooting gleam of red and blue light shoots over the sky. It clinks, clanks, and grinds its gears as it comes to a halt over a platform of white and blue marble. ITs chambers open, and small wheels begin rolling onto the land below. These wheels twist and turn as thousands of tiny metal rods run through eachother to create miniture figures of chrome.

They all rush inside of a large cave, and everything grows silent. They begin working at the walls within, their blue lights flickering on and off within the darkness. Slowly, the walls turn into a white and blue crystal like substance that soon cover every inch. An instructor emerges in a platform and begins monitoring them. He nods his head in satisfaction after muttering some commands to a man next to him, and floats on his tiny platform into the ceiling, through a small metal hole.

The robots start to form small metal structures across the blue glass. They put together concrete, plastic, rubber, and every substance that could be made into a large cube. They bang tiny hammers against it and mold it with lava. The cube glows and starts rotating at a vicious speed.

It mutates into an orb and implodes on itself, into one small black marble. The robots carry this small marble back to their ship, and zoom off once more into the sky.

Miles away, on a planet called earth, a young boy rushes out in excitment to his mailbox, to find a small package. He opens it to reveal a crystal marble, and sets it on his bedside table to enjoy.

InvisibleObserver responds:

I appreciate it, found this most interesting.

The night is loud

She wake up inside her tent, her friend missing, a puddle of blood lying next to her. Covering her mouth in fear, she glares at her reflection in the red stain on the sleeping bag. She thinks to herself a little, but reasoning fails her. She unzips the tent and begins screaming.

Outside, bodies on fire greet her in a fierce glow, reflecting in her eyes. The stake stabbed through her friends causes her stomach to churn in an immense pain. She throws up on the muddy ground beneath her bare legs. Its cold, yet the fierce stroke of flames cause her to sweat more than she has ever sweated before. She runs.

Her shadow dances across the forest behind her, and slowly disappears into the darkness with her. She looks for someone, anyone to get help from. She screams, but to no avail. She arrives to another camp ground, a few hundred yards away, and bangs at a trailer home. The tent opens, revealing the face of an old man with wrinkly, pale skin. He looks frightened and concerned for this girl who woke him up at 3 in the morning. He attempts to calm her down, understand her pleas, but he does not understand her.

He welcomes her inside his home, and she begins to run inside. He slowly closes the door, with a smile.

The night is quiet.

(((Wonderful music, epic, professionally done, would be great in a horror movie or some sort of chaotic scene. Love your style gravey)))

Gravey responds:

This was very cool. Loved the imagery my friend. Very cool indeed.

Also, glad you enjoyed the piece. :-)



The Glowing Plant

A yung boy walking through the woods notices a large plant, asscending into the sky taller than any he has ever seen before. He rushes to his grandmother, and they both stare at its magnificence. People from all around begin coming towards this plant to just stare at it. Cars arrive, buses, the crowd grows larger than the Woodstock festival.

The plant begins to turn into a multicolored array of purple, red, yellow, pink, and black. The fumes it spreads attracts even more people from iles around. DJs set up, and everyone begins dancing. Pot is passed around as if it wasnt illegal, even the cops are doing it. The brave begin climbing the plant and setting up sound systems up above in the clouds, where they have parties until the sun comes up, dancing in the moonlight and singing under the stars.

Those who ignore the music, fin amazement above the clouds. The plant streaches into space, with an oxygen like atmosphere making it possible for the to breath. They set camp on rocks floating around the plant. Lights glow from within the leaves and illuminate the darkness of space.

They dance... and sing... and rest... an breath... and gaze... and stare... and their hearts move towards the plant in an evolving harmony.

(((Nice beat, nice original synths, perhaps put in a bit more variety in there such as strings and more instruments. Nice job!)))


He wakes up. He doesnt know where he is. He doesnt know how he got there. He doesnt know why he is there. He looks for a sign of someone.. anyone.. anything. There is no one. Is he a ghost? Does he exsist? Is this real or is this a dream?

All he spots is a dresser sitting on the far right side of the room. He is on a mattress, with golden silk sheets. The floors are hard wood and the walls are white covered with elegant designs of ships sailing at the bottom. The floors shine as if they were recently polished.

He gets up, as if there is anything else he could do. He approaches a door he hasnt noticed before, but gets a bit dizzy. He takes a deep breath, after feeling a bit nautious, and grabs the bronze handle of the rich heart filled door.

The door reveals a long hallway full of elegant walls of green and black decorated patterns. The chandeliers on the ceiling glow over shining armor and mantle pieces scattered throughout the hallway. He slowly makes his way out of the room, wondering where he is.

He looks in a few rooms, but all of them are the same. One dresser. One bed. One door. He walks to the edge of the hallway to find another hallway, covered with doors. Worried, he continues down the hallway until he finally reaches a gray door, chipped a little with one small piece of grass growing from the bottom. He grabs the dusty handle and turns it with a creak. The door shivers open.

He emerges from the light filled hallway to find a garden of peace and solitude. Flowers scatter across stone pillars miles high. Streams of water trinkle down intricate paths and up walls made of stone and marble. Angels of limestone seem to guard the silent, everlasting paradise. Large diamond shaped stone float in the air, or so it seemed. Vines covered every inch of them, carrying them through the small spots of light drowning out the darkness from above. Where was the light coming from? He did not know, but the speckles of light floated downwards in a hypnotizing flow, almost as if they were coming from the heavens themselves.

He continues walking into this strange world, pasthalf broken statues and stonework. Gates of iron ahead welcome him further. He walks past them, into a maze of hedges. Trotting for minutes leads the man out of the hedges and into a large body of water, held inside of a large fountain. He walks around it, noticing that he is the only thing that had any breath of life in him. Ironically, the objects around him honored him with their presence. Their dead like aroma provided a strange, exotic like atmosphere. Beautiful to his eyes, he gazed further down this never ending chamber. Past the large fountain lay a large gate, surrounded by green and grey.

He walks. And he walks. Finally, he reaches the gate and ascends upwards on the steps. He gets to the top of the staircase and pushes open the rusty door to find another wooden door behind it. He looks at it strangely, and grabs the handle. Behind it is a bright white light, glowing with a fierce intensity. Without free will, the light pulls him in hypnotically.

The world around him blurs into nothingness. The garden disappears. The grey and green turn into a pitch black. Nothing is there, except for his own heart beat. He opens his eyes, to see his room in the cabin he has been living in for the past two years. The picture of him and his daughter rests upon the dresser next to him. Outside the snow covers the land. He thinks he hears something in his quiet home, but he knows all to well that he is alone. Alone in his own secret garden, where no one can ever find him.

MarkySpark responds:

Wow! Superb story Nicholas.

Typed to the music.


What to do what to do is everything gone am i still here what is this place ah ive got to finish that deadline no no i just need to wake up.. this isnt happening im so stressed..


Look at this place. Its trashed. I look out the window and I see a glimpse of the sunlight shine through my torn curtains and over my pale face. Sometimes I wonder if the outside world is truly a masterpiece created by God, or if its just some cheap joke to attract us tourists into what people call life...


I cant stand it anymore ive got to do something about this mess. Perhaps I could paint my emotions... perhaps I could.. no wait. Ive got it! I just need to tell her about my feelings through painting of course! Ive got to find paper where is the paper. Ahah!


Ok just a few gentle brush strokes here... and a few strokes there. A few dashes of red here, and a few dashes of white there. Some pink, yellow, gold. A jagged line, a smooth twist. Some splashes here, water there... paint paint paint.


Its done. Its finally done. My shoes are one. My car is on. My painting is in my hand.


Time to go.

corbetweller responds:

Completely different parallel but very awesome! I'm glad those words came to you during the piece. Thanks friend!

Galatical Paradise In Strings and Keys

The sun rises above the horizon of the red giant. The moons glow and bathe in the bask of the sandstorms. Lightning strikes the planet as spaceships of twinkling matter approach nearbye. These spaceships are simply comets passing through on an endless journey through space. They glitter in their last moments of existence, before colliding with the surfaces of the moons. The giant below glows with a fierce red as the moons consume the asteroids.

Such events are only observed by unknown forces throughout the universe. They are obserbed for only an instant, and time seems to slow at a breathtaking rate. Space itself can not be described in anyway at such a rate, and so we take this day to observe the one small glow in the sky, the one small glow that we call the red giant; for it is thi giant that consumes the minds of people all around. If seen on surface, everything turns from a fierce red, to a silent black. Perhaps one day we will journey to this surface, to witness the profound storm that it holds.

MarkySpark responds:

You are a genius.

Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*

Age 33, Male

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Little Rock, AR

Joined on 7/28/07

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