
1,158 Audio Reviews

640 w/ Responses


Dirt. Everywhere there is dirt. Heaps of dirt, piles of dirt, there is dirt as far as the ee can see. A drop of water begins falling down towards this dirt, and splashes into the terrain.

Grass. Everywhere there is grass. Plants emerge. Flowers. Trees. Everything begins forming. The earth is born.

Animals. Everywhere there are animals. Humans. Buildings. Roads. Skyscrapers. Everywhere.

Fire. Everywhere there is fire.


(((This is a bit underrated. I really enjoyed the way you played it. Even though it was just two instruments, they went very well with eachother. Perhaps try making a less harsh synth next time that is a bit more pleasant to the ears)))


There are stars everywhere. Green ones, red ones, and bright yellow ones. A man sits upon one of these magnificent beauties, tinkering at some sort of gadget. Its pipes and gears dig dep into the center of the star, its wires illuminating with a fierce white glow. The man presses a button and the star begins shaking. It rises in the air a bit, tilts back, front, then zooms off into the north of the field of wild stars.

He zooms across the particle paradise and makes his way for a white mist of planents, far away. The stars behind him think to a microscopic glow. Everything is silent, except for the irradiated illuminosity of the one star. He plows over comets as they shoot through the darkness. He spins in the air without any sort of care in the world he is in. His only focus is to simply touch one of the white orbs he sees ahead.

The white dust begins to grow larger, and soon form into tiny marbles. Finally, large planets can be seen. He spots a green one, and head for it. Jumping off the star, he spirals downwards onto the planets surface and lands on a large green tree. He looks up, to see the small star galaxy from which he came from. This is his new home now.

(((I liked the heavy happy techno synths you used here. Personally they arent my taste, but this was a fine listen. I enjoyed the combination of synths and pads you used.)))

YouriX responds:

Thanks for the story! You had in a creepy way a similiar idea as i did about this song when i thinked up a story for it! XD Pretty cool! And thanks for the small review also!


Here are the lyrics you requested. P.S. Ive never touched a joint in my life. Cause im a white nerd yo.


0:26 - 0:36

Over oceans and through the skies
Under the blue ringed butterflies
Here they are, here I am
Running around again and again

0:36 - 0:48

And I... see with my eyeball
underneath my nose is a large pink Hippo
It looks at me, I look at it
It opens its mouth and I say Holy shit!

0:48 - 0:55

Or so I would have..
If everlasting darkness hadnt consumed my breath- oh god ...

1:10 - 1:12
What the fuck...

1:22 - 1:38
What is this place? Where Am I at?
Is this heaven or hell or am I ontop of a gnat?
No sir indeed you are not on a gnat, but inside a very large white and black top hat!
These walls were carved, piece by piece
By the amazing incredible Geicos of the East

1:38 - 1:53

Woh... hang onbro,
This situation totally blows...
Im supposed to be at a magnificent castle
with no hassle... with a tassel to dazzle
But this is just making me frazzled

1:52 - 2:22

To be or not to be that is the question,
A suggestion... of my eradication of this manifestation of my whole creation
Quite amazing... i could end it like that, but if i do ill go straight to heck
Burning in an endless fire of pain
I don't want it like that, thats really lame
So here I am, sitting feeling odd
Thinking to myself how could i kill that hog

How am i gonna get the guts to kill it?

/ end


***I will record those lines if you like them, just send me a PM or something :P ***

DXsamurai responds:

yo i love them. nice this will work! go head and record.

One Cell

A small, insignificant, microscopic single celled organism is floating amongst first inside a puddle in an unknown location. His system begins growing more active than usual. Something strange is happening inside of him. He begins expanding, evolving, and rotating. His from washes over tiny dirt cells throughout the area. He grows and continues speeding down into the white abyss.

Other organisms watch him, not thinking anything particular. They cant anyway, all they have is a central nucleus only capable of instructing them to carry out specific tasks. It is exciting, however, to an observer. A young boy sitting inside the classroom of Dr. Mik notices this creature and begins studying it. It moves swiftly inside the petri dish, almost to fast for the boy to keep up. The little boy calls to the teacher, and he puts it up on the projector.

It moves so quickly, seemingly without any other reason than to eat dirt. Soon the once mulky petri dish is turned into a clear plate. Then the organism stops, and the kids watch as the dirt disintegrates from within the strange creature. These things we call "microscopic" are so absurd.

(((The song itself was fairly good, but needed some remastering. The piano should be change to something less bright. Try using a grand piano sound instead. At some points you seemed to cut off certain sounds that made the song very catchy, which I found a bit distracting and harder to let my mind absorb into the song. Make sure to not cut off beats and synths so abruptly, time them and fade them out or cut them out when something else comes in over it. The main theme was very catchy though!)))

Medieval Power

Upon the grassy planes of the North lies a castle of stone and iron. Its walls are thick and strong. Its walls stretch far and wide. The windows seem to illuminate a firey warmness throughout the kingdom. It makes the villagers feel safe. Inside, torches hang on the walls, brightening its tunnels. Knights dine in its living quarters, eating and drinking. They laugh and smile whole heartedly as they drink to their successful hunt. Deeper inside lays the kings chamber. His throne of red and grey casts a shadow over the many who come to hear his wisdom. He spreads crops throughout his land, makes the living conditions better, builds road for travel, and increases the economical currency. Truly, it is a powerful place.

(((I think you should have included more instruments in there besides one pad and one beat. I dont think it sounded very "frosty" to me. It sounded more structured and medieval. Perhaps include a less organic drum. Try using different drums, and use a lot of reverb for them when creating your next ambience song. I just dont think dry drums go well with such a wet mix you know?)))

Animal Flute

A young boy sits beneath an old oak tree, staring as a man blows his instrument to control the animals around him. He plays it, and they follow. He says to jump, and they jump. He says to walk, and they walk. Animals from all around hear his hypnotic tune, and trot towards his presence.

The boy watches in awe as beetles dance underneath him. Little birds fly around him. An elephant begins following, waving his head to the steady beat. Snakes slither across the ground, hissing as they pass. They disappear into the distance, and the boy falls asleep under the large tree.

(((Very nice and Arabic. I think you should have had a bit more emphasis on the chanting in the background to make it seem a bit more serious, but other than that this was a very nice background SFX. It could be used in a movie. Next time, try and develop on an idea like this and add a bit more of an epicness to it)))


The gears begin turning in the silk cloths of the floating orb. The man eagerly awaits to see if his gadget will work. He lets go of the rope supporting it to the cliff, and watches in amazement as it floats entirely in the air. He laughs in excitement and begins hovering towards the skies. He looks at the world below him. He sees the factories producing machines, the roads are being built, and trees are being cut down. He notices all the land is nearly barren, a price to pay for having developed such advanced technology.

(((It was a short song, so I wasnt able to write much on it. It was short and sweet, however, and would make great music for a menu loop! Try to extend on this idea. Add the same amount of variety and play some pads in there :) )))

TheBenjerman responds:

Thanks for the story review! I really appreciate it. It's nothing like I had envisioned, which is awesome. :)

And I'll try to write longer pieces, but I've kinda run this one into the ground, so I'm going to leave it as is.

Thanks again! You rock my socks.

The Chest

There is a tower. There is a man. There is a chest. The man, with chest in hand, climbs the tower of white and gold. He has to deliver its containments to the queen in time, before its to late. He rushes up the steps curving around the yellow tower. He climbs high, several hundred feet, when the structure below him begins to collapse. His heart thuds as he slamps against the wall to see the section of stairs below him crumble to the sea below. The waves wash over them, and drown them underneath the tide. He quickly jumps over to the steps next to him and breaths in. and out.

The steps above him are far to cracked to continue walking on, but there is no way down. He ponders for a few seconds, then snaps his fingers in excitment. He pulls a small whistle from within his red and blue gown. He blows on it, and a bird responds to his call. It strides through the air, and picks him up with one flail swoop.

Together, with the chest, they climb upwards through the clouds, past men in balloons, past the fairies that populate the tiny floating islands, and past the hundreds of windows and stairs that the tower contains. Small blue blobs begin to follow them in fun and games. They dance around in the sky and wave goodbye as they climb higher than the little blobs can go.

Up upon the tower, in the space air, the bird lands. The man rushes to the main chamber sitting upon the peak and opens the door. Inside, the king with his fat like appearance smiles gruffly and grabs the chest. Inside are the orders to release the dragons for the parade! "Release the dragons! Oh I totally forgot! Thank you my lad!" he exclaims with fierce gratitude. He pulls a lever and down below where the townspeople are having their festival, dragons appear just in time for the parade to end and everyone is satisfied with the big finally. Fireworks shoot off, and the messenger is treated with dinner with the king and friends.

(((This song sounds so anime like. It makes me think of a fantasy like environment, but in a cartoony style with strange and exotic costumes and designs. It gets a bit annoying after a while, and seems to drag on to a since of oblivion, but I liked the feeling of fantasy it gave! Its very out there, and totally exotic.)))

Kirbyfemur responds:

Hey thanks man that was awesome. I'll try to throw in a little more stuff so it isn't quite so annoying. But it'll be hard to find stuff that doesn't change it to much. Thanks again!


Its raining again. The water mists over the rainforest as birds bathe in the droplets, trickling down leaves. Tucans feed their babies underneath tiny huts and nests. Cubs rest underneath their parents. An indian walks through this, staring at the wonderful and loving nature of the forest. He caresses his steed, and walks him through the forest as well. "The flowers are beautiful here," he says to his horse. White flowers grow over brown and red trees that tower towards the sky. Butterflies bat their wings over the tall patches ofr grass, and rest upon mushrooms on the roots of the earth.

They continue through this world full of life. The thunder above roars with a cheerful welcoming. Monkeys play upon the branches. A leopard licks his paws while resting next to a rock. Deers scatter throughout the clearing, gazing into the indians eyes. All is peaceful, and all is loving, and all is pure. He indian drinks the rainwater, and soaks in the life of nature.

Black Jets

The garage opens. A man carrying a white helmet to his side emerges from its musky chambers. He walks towards a silver jet with the letters 920BF carved on its side. He jumps in, starts the engine, and the planes back lights up in a pure flame. It begins going forward, slowly gains momentum, then lifts off into the air and zooms into the sky.

"Time to get those bastards..." he thinks to himself. He looks at a small picture of his daughter in the cockpit, and glares farther through the clouds. A few red dots appear on his radar, and he begins trailing them. He waits, like a falcoln, and then leaps upon his foes from within the thick clouds. He begins firing down upon them. An explosion occurs, then another. Two down, three to go.

They begin scattering, and deploying anti missle flares. The man focuses on the first one, and releases a bomb from his cargo. The bomb falls down into the air, almost as if it was a misfire. The enemy begins firing at the man. He heads straight for him. The are about to collide, and he knows the enemy will be honoured to take him down with him. He isnt going to let that happen.

With a fierce sweep, he curves the plain upwards and the enemy flies underneath him, and over the bomb that was released moments earlier. The man presses a button, and fire and gasoline reflects in his mirror. The last two enemies are heading towards him.

He begins firing his ammunition at them, twisting, turning, and rolling through the sky. One dodges the bullets, but the less trained pilot can not withstand the mans advanced maneuvers. His engine explodes, and the cockpit catches on fire. The pain zooms into the ocean below. One to go. Just one more.

They fly out into the open air, circling eachother for an instant. Two missiles are released, and then another two. Streams of smoke from the rockets paint the sky, along with two large red and yellow glares above the clouds. There is silence, and a little girl below begins to cry.

Although the battle was triumphant for us, the ones lost fighting it will never be forgotten.

Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*

Age 33, Male

Apple & Entrepreneur

Whats a... school?

Little Rock, AR

Joined on 7/28/07

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