
1,158 Audio Reviews

640 w/ Responses

Needs to be recorded better.

Well the recording just isnt done very well. You deserve better recording equipment. i can hear you sniffing in the recording and stepping on the pedals in the song. I can not fully feel the full intention of what this song meant to show, as it is not deep enough.

Go invest in your emotions and pay someone, or get someone who will let you record for free, and record this using a nice recording studio set up! Thheeennnn it will be PERFECT.

liluxiaorealnew responds:

em.... very true...i recorded with one of those mics integrated with headphone. im actually learning how to use different software. need to buy some proper recording gears.

I regonize that voice!

Prison yards... regonize it? That guy got top of the week a few weeks ago with a rap song he made. I am so glad you added lyrics to this thing. It is preety cool, but I think you need to learn more of audio mixing in voices and music. !he voice is to soft, while the music is to large. You should also try rapping more to the beat of the song. He seems to rap off beat at times. Keep it up!! I cant wait to hear a kickass rap from you guys. If you need any help with voice acting just let me know, I got 2 years of experience *whatever that means*

haywirehaywire responds:

haha thanks, well he didnt have the best mic quality to begin with so i tried to make the best of it.

Dangeroud but awesome

I always critisize on remixes for lack of originality, but hell this is fucking awesome. You added a whole nother idea to the song with this. Not only did u add new layers but you added new tunes and synths to make one epic combination that is more of a dedication than a remix.

Very proffesional sounding, much more complex than the original. The original is very simple and very quick, leaving the listener unsatasfied and begging for more. This, however, makes me jizz in my pants at the epic synths you use. at 2:21 I was like HOLY FUCK at that synth. Awwwww epic.

Im really thinking of using this for a game im making.... would u mind? :D

Final Judging From 5th Voice Acting Contest


Lmao. I liked the classic idea of the video game nerd. His voice was preety funny. Did you pronounce Katamari correctly? I play that game all the time and ive always pronounced it Kat ah mahri or something. Anyway, I enjoyed the skit for its creativity, but the acting wasnt that good. The characters usually talked with the same tone. The voices sounded a bit different so that was preety good, but make sure that one sounds nasaly while the other one doesnt. The friend not playing video games should have sounded much deeper. When your acting, try to act like you are the character, you are in the scene, and you then raise your eyebrows and say "WHAAAAT??" when he discovers piss in the closet or when he realizes the nerd killed his own mother. His reactions to things sounded kind of fake at times, but holy hahah that made it preety hilarious. I didn't believe the chinese voice, it sounded like you were struggling with it. This was very creative! Very funny, but try to improve on your acting by acting like you are really there and not sitting in front of a microphone.

Acting 20/35
Fit 19/25
Originality 14/15
Range 9/15
Mixing 8/10



Acting: 25/35
Fit: 19/25
Originality: 13/15
Range: 10/15
Mixing: 8/10
Total: 75/100

It really reminds me of the "Llamas With Hats" style of humor. most of the lines were executed with "subtlety" and even though that style of humor is good on it's own... the funny is only kept in short bursts. Usually if you make something longer than 3 to 4 minutes... the comedy style needs to be more lively, and really keep your attention the whole way through.

Jennifer Vaughn Says:

Acting 19/35
Fit 15/25
Originality 8/15
Range 5/15
Mixing 2/10

Total -49

Thanks for entering the contest! Check back to the thread here in a bit for the final results to see who won! :D

mariobros153 responds:

lol yeah the I realizaed they were really alike AFTER I submitted it, so I was like shoot XD I made this up really on the spot so I can understand the "short burst" thing, I dont understand Jennifer's mixing score of 2/10.... becuase I think I did pretty good for an on the spot thing when it came to mixing XD I didnt think about it all the way through so thats why the acting is somewhat bad :) and why I couldnt keep the comedy up. Thanks for the Review :D


LMAO. This was freaking epic. It was done quite profesionally to! Lots of nice noises and everything. I really think that I should use this for a level in my game.. I will send it to my friend and see if he whole heartly agrees.

Thank you.

Use real voice actors.

Personally I think that it is silly that you use all of these voice samples, but never start out with just a voice sample and no music because the voice samples arent really yours to use. In music making you arent allowed to sell music with the samples in it. Just take the samples out and it would be a cooler song. Now, if you were to get voice actors to say some lines for you that would be great! I liked the mix of seemingly lation instruments and elctronic synths. The piano was a very nice touch. Keep up the good work, but try and use real lyrics you made up yourself man. :)

CKC2009 responds:

hence the reason this is available for free download. it wud be able to sell with out copyright bullshit. and its my thing to find lil samples like dat ^_^

I Love That Rotating Glitching Noise

I go to raves about 6 times every year, and I tend to hear that rotating noice. You know what im talking about, that wuwuwuwu. Lol, it is so difficult to describe sounds isnt it? Anyway, it sounds awesome and goes fantastically well with the chiming and percussion in the background. This is really slow a nice, I could picture glowstick dancing slowly to this. On the next party my friends go to, I will show them this and they will enjoy it let me tell you that ;)

Keep it up. Have you ever considered Djing?

haywirehaywire responds:

Haha yeah, wobblies. i think theres an official term for them not sure what it is though. anyways thanks a lot, ive never heard of Djing

Submit to the NG music contest for game 3...

Go here (delete all spaces)

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1 103226

And please submit this to the game contest. You have a very large chance at making it in. This is one of the best quality loops I have heard in a long time. Great job.

DJRunaway responds:

I will. Thanks for the tip!

Lol, your not that TIGHT

Word up brother you aint got NO SKILZ your just better than us at makin music so yah a DORK. Takin all of our dreamz away cause you know we all SUX at dis shit.

Ahhahaa omg that review is the funniest.. ah im marking that as abusive.

Anyway, I was kind of sad this was so short, but I loved the way you played around with the volume levels of that guitar. It was a guitar wasnt it? I couldnt really tell hehe. Nice tribute, word up.

haywirehaywire responds:

sure was a guitar, thanks a lot, yea that review is quite strange haha

Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*

Age 33, Male

Apple & Entrepreneur

Whats a... school?

Little Rock, AR

Joined on 7/28/07

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8,876 / 9,340
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7.03 votes
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B/P Bonus:
11m 30d