Ahh wow this is one of the best theme songs I have heard in a while. The vocals even somehow managed. It was CRAZY. I love that muffled bass sound. WONDERFUL JOB.
Ahh wow this is one of the best theme songs I have heard in a while. The vocals even somehow managed. It was CRAZY. I love that muffled bass sound. WONDERFUL JOB.
Technical Review Stuff
I immediately thought of your heart in a headlock remix when i heard the first synth come in. It has a very similar feel to it. I also thoroughly enjoy the fact that you render it out at 224KBS. Im gonna DJ at a party on Halloween and will totally use some of your music for it. I can take some videos if ur interested.
Anyway, I thought it started out kind of slow. I didn't really feel a sense of euphoria until around 2:27. Personally I thought you should have started it out with that trancy pad and THEN lead off into the beat that you original put in the beginning of the song. The mix at 3:27 was kind of strange. I thought you should have chosen a different synth that wasnt a tad off tune. Dont get me wrong, I love off tune synths, but the way this song is... an off tune synth doesnt work to well.
There was some really nice buildup in here, but I couldn't really FEEL anything after the buildups. It seems like the euphoric feeling just vanishes after the trance pad part. Everything you use really sounds "quirky".
It was mixed really well, with great quality, but not really played out as good as it could have been. Keep on playing man, your always improving. This seemed like more of a huge experiment than anything.
Hey FatKid, I appreciate the technical review.
Lol it's actually 192kbps, forgot to update that part, since I made it slightly longer I had to cut down the quality a tad again.
Just a reminder, it's called an NG Cut, so it's not going to follow the full structure that I normally do.
I feel that if the lead wasn't a bit off-tune, it wouldn't be pleasant to the ears, since a plain sine wave isn't really the nicest thing to listen to (as a reference).
I don't quite understand the term "quirky" lol.
In the end it all comes down to preference. Thanks again :3
The boy sits in the cool arms of a shadow, cast upon the ground by a large oak tree. He gazes into the valley in front of him, filled with nature and life that calls out his name. He needs inspiration. He needs something to feel passion for. He looks upon the beauty of earth, and think to himself as he stares onto the blank sheet of paper in his hands. He begins to write. The pen in his hand crafts the thoughts from his heads into a wonderful composition of words. He stops. He thinks. He looks up again, and reaches his heart out into the world around him.
He soars over the trickling rivers. The warm colors of turning trees wash over his body. He reaches his arms outwards, and breaths in the wonderful harmony of the valley. Boards feed their young ones as foxes scatter into bushes and rush around hedges. Deer lay peacefully inside their homes, curling next to their loved ones. A centipede burrows through the dirt and sleeps inside of its hole. Clouds up expand and dissolve in the wonderful beams of light that carry them. The wind rushes over his face as he hold these things inside his arms. He writes word after word until the entire page is full with letters. He understands now. He feels at peace. Satisfied with his work, he gathers his notebook, takes one last look at the earth, and heads back to his quiet home.
Back in his wooden cabin, there is an old woman in a bed, dying of age. She smiles as he walks up, handing her a small piece of paper. "Sit down," she says in a raspy voice. He pulls up an old chair, and sits next to the woman, holding her hand as she reads. After a few moments, a smile forms itself across her battered face. She looks into his eyes as he does to her, and they kiss. She looks up towards the ceiling, and takes one last graceful breath. The man squeezes her hand, and cries as the sheet of paper follows his tears to the floor below. Written upon its surface lies the words, "I Love You" and nothing else.
Thanks for writing this, what an interesting read! :D
I Dont Want To Be Here
As I walk down the darkened road, past the tiny streaks of light that paint its dull walls, I look up into the stars and gaze upon them. The twinkling balls of white cluster together, forming a never ending universe of bewilderment and chaos. They sit so still in the quiet sky, yet far away on a distant world they may not be there. Their forms travel across the universe, past all of its wonder, and look into my eyes. They smile at me and caress my body. I see them as they see me, and for an instant I am one with the stars.
I fly off ahead, into the milky shadows. They carry me into their arms, and I watch as the earth below me gets smaller and smaller until it is but a marble in the abyss of the unknown. Now I float in a never ending picture of twisting light and forms that piece together everything that once was and wont be. They sit, undiscovered, unlooked upon by any eye, untouched by any soul, forgotten and left behind in the dust of the big bang. I reach my hand out and try to hold them against my weak body, but can not. I am trapped here, inside these bars, looking out upon the stars that confuse my spirits.
I close my eyes and feel the life drain from my body. Tears fell to the ground below and land onto the reality that holds me. The black road that I stand upon carries my tear, and engulfs it into nothingness. I look into the windows of my home, and walk inside to sleep and dream of the universe.
(((This song brought me to tears. I feel so depressed right now, lost in thought. I do not know how to express myself anymore than I already have, but know that this piece is truly wonderful. I always have wondered outside, attempting to get away from reality. My parents would send me to go walk the dog, and I would take the time to think about life while looking into the stars. I could get pretty close to them, but then I would immediately realize the thought of flying towards them was simply impossible. I feel love for this song... I really do. Thank you for making it.)))
Wow, thanks for this amazing review!
Daytime Party!
Its Friday night and it's time to party. The teenagers jump inside of their bright red convertible and head towards the booming town. Bass fills the air as everyone dances to the bitter sweat beat of Spring Break. Shops welcome everyone in for some nice, tasty ice-cream. Stands on the sidelines try and sell items such as hats and sunglasses. Here on the beach, its time to party. Everyone waits for night to fall, and for Spring Break to finally really begin.
(((More like spring break if you ask me. It reminded me of people dancing and partying, getting drunk, wearing bikinis, smoking some pot, dancing to techno, grooving to the beat, and just participating in the pure chaos of Spring Break. The song near the middle seemed to get a little boring, mainly because you were using an upbeat tune that normally would have a lot of things going on in the background... with not much going on at all. There were a few SFXs here and there but for the most part it seemed a bit to mellow with to dancy of a beat and synth mixture. Next time, try adding a lot more elements to the background. Try experimenting a bit with dubstep, filter in a nice long synth buildup, and continue off with a nice mixture of SFX. You seem to have the SFX part of it down though.)))
heheh thanks, yes i guess it could remind you of spring a bit, but it makes me think of summer more
Sitting upon a white cloud, transcending along the clear blue skies, a man dangles his legs into the world below. White puffs of smoke trail into the air as he take a deep breath of his cigarette. The breeze feels nice up here. Everything feel so chill. He smiles and relaxes underneath the perfect warmth of the sun combined with the smooth touch of the wind. The cloud floats past everything down below. He watched the still, resting houses below. He watches the chill movement of the trees. He feels relaxed.
(((If you were trying to give a sense of relaxation... you really did the trick here! Its such a simple, yet perfect loop. Great guitar playing, excellent chords, and perfect choice of instruments. It has looped now at least 7 times and I am not tired of it yet.)))
Thanks man.
This song started off as a concept when I was falling asleep playing guitar next to the computer at midnight. Found a chord progression I loved, and built off it and within two hours I captured that tired/accomplished sense I had quickly. I uploaded it at 2am and passed the hell out.
The story you gave makes me think deeper in meaning of the song. I feel that maybe the man passed on from earth, but takes stop atop a cloud and looks down to see all that he has accomplished.
Thanks again bud.
Acid Trip.
He sits on the bench, bouncing up and down with its colorful lines. Triangles and circles float around his head as he waves back in forth to the motion of the background. Everything in his colorful world moves like an acid trip. The children ride their bikes on the twisting and turning road. The clouds up above smile and look down upon everyone below.
(((This seems like it would be great background music for an experimental, colorful, trippy flash commonly sen drawn by the artist catoblepas. The strange, happy synths mixed with the strange, happy instruments mix together to form a very unique structure. Although these combined sounds might not be a very pleasant "i want to sit down and listen to some music" sort of thing, it is fairly well composed as background music.)))
Brostep FTW
I cant really write a story to this song, as you might have hoped for, because it is very literal in meaning, containing lyrics to back it up. I will, however, give you a technical review. The glitch noises were a bit t heavy for my taste, and would have probably been a lot more effective on big ass speakers inside of a concert, so I am saddened that I can not hear the full effect. My room mate was listening to this song, and he seemed to really enjoy the remix. I liked how you managed to use mellow, heart like lyrics with this nice brostep feel. 96Kbs? Cmon man, show us your true colors!! Put up at least a 160KBS version up here. Leaving a measly 98KBS version is just silly.
Keep up the dubstep, it would be cool hearing you live.
Wicked man thanks! Check my youtube channel for the 450kbps :) youtubecom/electrofruity
Glad you and your roomie enjoyed it, I'll be sure to bust out more tracks like these in future.
Also thanks a bunch to the other reviewers, didn't have the time to respond as I'm busy with uni!
A guard sits underneath the dim light against the concrete bulding in the darkness. His only purpose it ro make sure that no one gets in, and that no one gets out without strict permission. He stands in his suit, looking professional, staring into the thin night air. The moon lights up the hills in front of him, making any approaching intruder visible to his eyes. For Mr. Bond, however, the moonlight posed no problem to his smooth, shadowy movements in the grass. He crawled closer and closer without the guard noticing a thing. Then, when the time was right, the agent pounced upon the guard before he was able to grab his gun, and subdued him. The guard fell to the dusty ground below and the agent grapled his way onto the roof.
Up above, snipers lay ready, watching, waiting, reading every movement of the darkness. They were not looking behind them, however, as the agent swiftly and silently killed both without hesitation. He crawled into the vent carefully, and made his way into the fortress. Inside, he peered from the ceiling as scientists mixed their chemicals and conducted their experiments. He needed to act fast; they were onto something. The experiments were almost done. If he did not suceed, the weapon would be given to the Middle East and pose to large of a threat for his the U.S. to handle. He had to stop that from happening. He planted his charges carefully, and set it to detonate in 5 minutes. After this, he crawled back onto the roof and rushed over the hills and into the darkness.
Moments later, a large explosion bursted into the night sky far in the horizon as a car roared down a small highway. The driver, peering out into the twinkling reflection of the moon against the ocean, smiled at the fiery glow behind him.
(((I didnt realize this was a james bond remix, and yet I pictures an agent hiding in the shadows getting ready to really blow shit up. Nice job on creating an atmosphere! Great tribute.)))
Dome In A Purple World
Outside of the dome in the purple sky, thunderstorms paint the dead world. The ocean below attacks the rocky formation violently, almost as if its sole purpose was to get inside of the dome and add onto the chaos of the world. Inside of the dome, past the twisting and windy skies, lies the sole survivors of the wretched planet. They try their best to survive. They have little recourses, but slowly are creating new and better ways of growing their own food using highly technological advancements left behind from the past. They work hard with their tools, and maintain a little slice of order inside of the doomed world.
(((I thought that you could have expanded on the idea that came after 1:10. It was a really nice tune at that point, but short lived. You should have continued the mellow beat with the fantastic flute synth. Sadly, you only continued that for 30 seconds and went off into a slow ending to the song. Please make something similiar with that bass and flute, it sounds cool.)))
Not a bad idea. I will have to look into that.
Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*
Age 33, Male
Apple & Entrepreneur
Whats a... school?
Little Rock, AR
Joined on 7/28/07