
1,164 Audio Reviews

646 w/ Responses

My favorite parady.

Thanks for making an audio after my fattymcpatty series!!!


I didnt like the fuzzy noise in the background.. apparently neither does anyone else. It is hip-hopish... but you need to start the song off much faster. When the beat came in.. I was bobbing my head to the best combination if beats I have heard in a lonnnngggg time. And the beat kept getting more complex! Dang man you've got talent.


The background noise came in at a good rate. It is a good thing you added a little to the beat, or it would have gotten boring. At 50 seconds you should of inserted a star synth. (something that goes neeeerrrrrrr....... like a star)It needed a little bit more to the song... but other than that i throughly enjoyed this song. Could be heard on a trance radio station! seriously.


It is rare to hear such a high quality beat in audio on Ng these days. Greaaatt job. The vocals were freaking sweet as well. You obviously are very professional with this stuff.

Terror-Proof responds:

tbh i think im far from pro lol

Lol newgroundians.

Never heard it used that way before. X D Well anyway.. this song sounded amazing when it began. The pad and piano sounded marvelous and flew through my ears perfectly. Then you brought in the techno. Not a bad thing or anything, but judging from the reviews... the "newgroundians" dont like it when that happens. I don't really know why... but taste has its measures... and it measures poorly most places here. Due to 0 bombers and such.

I loved the way you brought in all those synths and beats. It really brought up the pad to a uplifting level rather than a sad one. Combine all your talents and I am sure you can make a great sounding song.

CaptainWonderpants responds:

Thanks for the 10 :)

I don't know, eh.
My personal "style" (if you can call it that) is trying to mix emotional and meaningful stuff with the carefree style of dance music.

Honestly, this song was more about somebody I know and was only ever supposed to stay on my computer. But hell, I thought I'd upload it anyway.

Thanks very much for the positive review, it makes me feel good when someone listens to my music.

Whats with these people?

I actually really liked it. It sounded real trancy and the speeches from Luther king went well with it. The beat went well with it to! I don't know what people have against this song.. cause I truly like it brother. keep up the good work!

CaptainWonderpants responds:

Well dude, it's personal taste I suppose.
If a track only appeals to 1 out of 4 people, I'm cool with it :)

Thanks for the review and 10.


This is a freaking sweet funk and techno combination you got in this song! Its like.. FUNKNO BABY YEAH! I loved all the background synths and beats! They all went perfect together yo! Duuddee... this song is freaking out there. It really puts me in a trance. The way you filtered the instruments was really professional. Great job man!!

Musical-Pants responds:

Woah thanks!
In your response to my review of your song, you talked about the MAC, well this is my cure for MAC-dom!
(cue cheesy telemarketer voice)
Are you depressed? Need cheering up? Like songs with lots of happy sounds? Boy do we have just the thing!
Anyway, i'm glad you liked the song, thanks for the review!


.. :O

I am really impressed with you man.. you got audio artist of the year.. PLUS FRONT PAGE FOR MOST OF YOUR SONGS. Daannnggg.

I compltley

Agree with Darkside. It isnt very sad. It had a nice groove to it though. Didnt like the bass that much.. it was alright.


Kind of slow if you ask me.. simply because you start of with very minimialist sounds. You gotta have a huge lead up rather than single notes. I thought the background noise was nice. It sounded different a little bit from the rest of the Mac 08 entries.. but just a little bit. You have an OK chance og winning. Cheers.

sculpted-cold responds:

I don't HAVE to do anything a certain way, but whatever you say... Thanks for the review.

Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*

Age 32, Male

Apple & Entrepreneur

Whats a... school?

Little Rock, AR

Joined on 7/28/07

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