Dude I dont believe this. You know how to make music AND FLASH?!
LOLOLOLO!!!!! This is hilarious. Best song on Newgrounds PERIOD.
Dude I dont believe this. You know how to make music AND FLASH?!
LOLOLOLO!!!!! This is hilarious. Best song on Newgrounds PERIOD.
Your officially in front of DJ-Nate. On my book anyway.
Awesome synths. Awesome beats. Awesome trance. Awesome Song.
Great job man. I am using this to play at the rave party I am hosting in a month. So when people say, "Hey! This is an awesome song," I'll say, "Don't thank me thank F-777)
Awesome! =D!! Dude thanks so much!!!
WOOOOO. Dude, i am using this one in my next yo-yo competition. Thanks man. It should have been the one you were going to dedicate to me though. :D
Thanks a lot for making an extended version. It will go great with my next Flash game.
http://spamtheweb.com/ul/upload/21090 8/71296_particle.php
Do you think so?
HURRAARR for yo-yo!!!!
I'm glad you like it and thanks for using it in flash :)
The very beginning piano sounded very nice with the violins. Of course this has been done before in many other songs, but I am not going to judge the song by originality or some crap like that. I was very surprised to hear the synth and beat come in with the piano. Personally, I didn't think it sounded very good with the piano. But when the lead up came in at 52 seconds, I wanted to get up and start head banging. It was a very strangly mixed song, but the beat mixing was very professional. Although it was professional, it didn't sound very good altogether. I only wanted to headbang for about 5 seconds. The song really dragged on after that. If you were to use a diffferent synth or piano with the beat along with more sounds, it would sound 100% better. Good job altogether and good luck with the contest. Sorry I can't write a 1000 word review like the guys below me, I just don't have anything more on my mind at the moment. Of course I could go into depth with what you could use to make it sound better... but that would take hours and you probably wouldn't bother reading it anyways.
All in all, I recommend changing around the mix and put the same concept of piano and beat in a better organized song.
By the way, in case you were wondering I quit music. Until I find a suitable program that I can master my skills with, I can not continue in Garageband. I might produce a view more songs.. but I can not possibly create a custom beat like you did in this song.
Thanks <3
My favorite parady.
Thanks for making an audio after my fattymcpatty series!!!
I didnt like the fuzzy noise in the background.. apparently neither does anyone else. It is hip-hopish... but you need to start the song off much faster. When the beat came in.. I was bobbing my head to the best combination if beats I have heard in a lonnnngggg time. And the beat kept getting more complex! Dang man you've got talent.
The background noise came in at a good rate. It is a good thing you added a little to the beat, or it would have gotten boring. At 50 seconds you should of inserted a star synth. (something that goes neeeerrrrrrr....... like a star)It needed a little bit more to the song... but other than that i throughly enjoyed this song. Could be heard on a trance radio station! seriously.
It is rare to hear such a high quality beat in audio on Ng these days. Greaaatt job. The vocals were freaking sweet as well. You obviously are very professional with this stuff.
tbh i think im far from pro lol
Lol newgroundians.
Never heard it used that way before. X D Well anyway.. this song sounded amazing when it began. The pad and piano sounded marvelous and flew through my ears perfectly. Then you brought in the techno. Not a bad thing or anything, but judging from the reviews... the "newgroundians" dont like it when that happens. I don't really know why... but taste has its measures... and it measures poorly most places here. Due to 0 bombers and such.
I loved the way you brought in all those synths and beats. It really brought up the pad to a uplifting level rather than a sad one. Combine all your talents and I am sure you can make a great sounding song.
Thanks for the 10 :)
I don't know, eh.
My personal "style" (if you can call it that) is trying to mix emotional and meaningful stuff with the carefree style of dance music.
Honestly, this song was more about somebody I know and was only ever supposed to stay on my computer. But hell, I thought I'd upload it anyway.
Thanks very much for the positive review, it makes me feel good when someone listens to my music.
Whats with these people?
I actually really liked it. It sounded real trancy and the speeches from Luther king went well with it. The beat went well with it to! I don't know what people have against this song.. cause I truly like it brother. keep up the good work!
Well dude, it's personal taste I suppose.
If a track only appeals to 1 out of 4 people, I'm cool with it :)
Thanks for the review and 10.
Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*
Age 33, Male
Apple & Entrepreneur
Whats a... school?
Little Rock, AR
Joined on 7/28/07