You won.
Dude.. you probably won the mac 08 contest. This is the most original song I have reviewed in all of the songs. I have listened to about 40 so far by the way. You even played the guitar yourself! Dude.. you havwe got a true talent.
You won.
Dude.. you probably won the mac 08 contest. This is the most original song I have reviewed in all of the songs. I have listened to about 40 so far by the way. You even played the guitar yourself! Dude.. you havwe got a true talent.
I don't think I've won, but I'm glad you liked the song.
Thanks alot, guy.
Oh I knew there was a song hiding in with all the piano solos, violins and other stuff.. there was bound to be an original song. BUT.. oh dear lord.. this wasnt very sad! It was more get up and dance you know? It had a nice sadness uplifting spirit sort of thing to it though!
This, out of 40 songs I have seen so far in the Mac 08 July contest, has a really good chance. YES! Keep it up!
Was that a piano duet? Well.. It was a good piano song, but sadly enough, it sounds just like ever other song on the Mac 08 contest. EXCEPT the drums and beats that come in later. Thats a nice touch. Good job. The violins, however, are included in almost every other mac 08 song lol..
Ok ok OK... >:(
Why is it that every... SINGLE... SONG in the whole contest sounds like this? Ok, dont gte me wrong. I am loving all these songs. They sound great and peacful. However, none of them have any origanility in them besidesn the fact that they are all created. Yes I know, you worked very hard with this song.. but you got to make it sound.. different than the rest! DO you know how hard it is to judge 100+ songs that sound exactly alike?
I loved the song itself though. Very sad.. in fact I think THIS ONE has a better chance of winning than the rest of them. How? Mybe by strictly luck. I may never know.
I believe the answer to that question lies in the expressiveness of the piano itself. It truly has an incredible range in both register and dynamics, allowing it to communicate such a wide breadth of emotions. The ability to combine both melody and harmony simultaneously alone makes it a great option for sad songs. As to why I myself chose it? I'm a pianist and stink at orchestration. :P
I've looked through quite a few of the submissions, actually. I wouldn't say they all sound alike, either. While there may be quite a few solo piano pieces, they are still distinct in the utilized dynamics, registers, tempo, rhythyms, harmonies, chord progressions, and melodies. While this does sound similar in the fact that it is sad, I wouldn't go so far as to say it sounds the same as every other song. I tried to make it original with the way I combined the traits I listed a moment ago. The fact that many submissions are piano solos does not make them all "sound like this". Within the piano, there is an infinite number of ways to create distinctive sounds, styles, and harmonies. Compare a Bach fugue to David Lanz's new age piano solos. There is a very noticable difference setting them apart, though they both be piano songs and sometimes both "sad". I personally wouldn't mind judging dozens of piano solos so long as there is some degree of variation in style. Judging a hundred different songs with the same chord progression in, say, the nocturne form? That may become too monotonous for me. However, I will respect your opinions. After all, I guess your not attacking me or anything. :P This is just my opinion on the matter.
Whatever the case may be, I am glad that you enjoyed the song. I am quite relieved to hear that this may have a decent chance of winning, whether it be luck or not.
Thank you for the review,
OK. A good, nice, solid piano solo. Very soothing and whatnot. HOWEVER, because it sounds just like all the other Mac 08 July songs, I didnt like it in the contest since. It hink the judges are going to be looking for oringality in the song. And also if it makes you cry. It was very uplifting near the end. That is a bad thing in the contest lol. A very good song aside from the contest though. Good job.
As I can see, you are very experienced, and I should of created a bit more originality. I had not noticed how many tunes are slow piano, oh well - thanks for the kind words still, I have a long way to go in composing still though.
Heh.. cool.
I thought it was freaking awesome how you remixed that song into a piano solo. NICE. However, since all the songs in the Mac 08 contest are either piano solos or pianos with violins and epic sounds in them.. it wasnt considered by me to be very oringal in the contest. I give you like a 20, however, for making a remix :D
*I thnk this was a remix..? lol,...*
Uh-oh, I knew this sounded like something else, but I don't know what. I was passing this as my original work but obviously someone got there first grr, thanks alot for the review :-)
Yeah.. Ok. Drums.. a little variety in there.. it was alright for a Mac 08 contest. Had some very nice background pads and even a bass in there! Heck, this was a good song. The way you blended everything together kind of sounded odd though.. even so, I give it a solid 9 for the contest and as a song.
Thanks, glad you liked it. Thanks for the critique, and I'll work harder on mixing in the future. Several people have talked to me about the cymbals.
Loogie you always crack me up. X D Sorry dude, this song just sounded awful. It was just one thing looped over and over again. Put more variety in there man!
I am repeating my self way to many times in all these Mac- 08 July contest reviews.. The songs sound all the same with harps, pianos, and the rest of the instruments in them. It just wasnt very original. I liked the beginning tune and the masin song itself.. but didnt like it for the Mac o8 July contest. Sorry. Great song though, and keep it up because you will get tons of fans.
I started composing the song when they announced the contest, but then I ended up composing it for somebody else. I miss her and I did printed that feeling into this song. Did you even listened to the music as a whole? Melody? Harmony?... anything besides what instruments I'm using?
On the other hand, what exactly is original for you?
Do you know what happened back at the children lullaby contest? There were some people claiming their songs were real original and actually standing a chance of winning, but the truth was that none of these songs would fit as a lullaby song, not for anybody's children.
Guess what happened? The songs that weren't "original" at all actually spotted top places (Me in third :D).
What I mean is, this isn't a -let's throw something "original" in there but not totally fitting or barely fitting at all- contest. This is a sad -sorrow contest. Songs are supossed to sound sorrowful and you cannot bash every classical song out there for the mere reason it already is "unoriginal".
In the end, SAD and well written music is the one spotting top places.
Glad you liked it though
-for the love of..
ARGH!! I can't take it anymore!! al these songs sound the exact same god dammit!! It wasnt very sad anyway.. Ok thats my review for the Mac o8 contest.. Here is the review for the song:
The sounds got way to overpowering there for a while, but the beginning was terrific. I liked the way you composed it and the good violins and percussion noises. Sometimes, however, the song kind of hurt my ears.
I doubt they all sound the same, but what the hell.
Anyways, glad you liked the beginning, oboe ftw. :D
Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*
Age 33, Male
Apple & Entrepreneur
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Little Rock, AR
Joined on 7/28/07