
640 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Brostep FTW

I cant really write a story to this song, as you might have hoped for, because it is very literal in meaning, containing lyrics to back it up. I will, however, give you a technical review. The glitch noises were a bit t heavy for my taste, and would have probably been a lot more effective on big ass speakers inside of a concert, so I am saddened that I can not hear the full effect. My room mate was listening to this song, and he seemed to really enjoy the remix. I liked how you managed to use mellow, heart like lyrics with this nice brostep feel. 96Kbs? Cmon man, show us your true colors!! Put up at least a 160KBS version up here. Leaving a measly 98KBS version is just silly.

Keep up the dubstep, it would be cool hearing you live.

Aydin-Jewelz123 responds:

Wicked man thanks! Check my youtube channel for the 450kbps :) youtubecom/electrofruity

Glad you and your roomie enjoyed it, I'll be sure to bust out more tracks like these in future.

Also thanks a bunch to the other reviewers, didn't have the time to respond as I'm busy with uni!

Dome In A Purple World

Outside of the dome in the purple sky, thunderstorms paint the dead world. The ocean below attacks the rocky formation violently, almost as if its sole purpose was to get inside of the dome and add onto the chaos of the world. Inside of the dome, past the twisting and windy skies, lies the sole survivors of the wretched planet. They try their best to survive. They have little recourses, but slowly are creating new and better ways of growing their own food using highly technological advancements left behind from the past. They work hard with their tools, and maintain a little slice of order inside of the doomed world.

(((I thought that you could have expanded on the idea that came after 1:10. It was a really nice tune at that point, but short lived. You should have continued the mellow beat with the fantastic flute synth. Sadly, you only continued that for 30 seconds and went off into a slow ending to the song. Please make something similiar with that bass and flute, it sounds cool.)))

SolusLunes responds:

Not a bad idea. I will have to look into that.

Funk To Another Level

I always have known that ZStreifel can make some pretty amazing bodacious eargasmic sexy sounds...I also have known that you can make some experimental awesome delicious music. When you combine all that together you get this. This is sweet, I enjoy the flow of enjoyable SFX and customized synths. The title really says it all. Its like a funkish song taken to another level with an unkown genre. I guess thats called Funkhausen.

Logic Studios is one hell of a program. I have always wanted to try it out along with Realism. I can tell it can make some really high quality synth if you know what the fuck your doing. And you two really know what the fuck you are doing. Great job, 5d and faved.

SymbolCymbal responds:

WOW ,, thank you for the sweet review man, we def spent alot of time on just customizing the synths . presets are lame!


Every now and then a voice acting skit will get top of the week. Either people will hate it or love it. Personally, I think everyone should love this. I lolololeddd. Good job man xD

omegared responds:

Coming from a guy who once flamed me for my work, from a guy I respect for his skill, from a guy who is pretty known around NG: a ten means a lot.

too bad you're not any of those^

;) jk <3 thanks dogg

Very Interesting

That was an awesome experimental thing you did there. It takes talent to combine such noises. This would be great for SFX in a game. Its not pleasant to listen to, but I think its very experimental and well put together.

doctormario responds:

Thanks man. :)


The black wall stood before me, endless as I could have never imagined. I had heard stories of it before, and had thought of it to be terrifying, strange, and terrible. Now I lay before it, out of breath, and drowning underneath its endless waves. The wall grows darker, and i sink into it as my heart calms. My pupils grow white, and my body becomes lifeless.

It isn't all that bad; death. I felt pain at first, but now I can't feel anything. All my fears, emotions, everything is gone. I just feel... relaxed. I begin to travel deeper into the wall, journeying farther into the unknown. It's alright, I think, or at least I think I think... hmm. Do I have a brain anymore? Is this all real? This is strange. The deeper I get the stronger the urge grows to go deeper. I dont feel curiosity or bewilderment, I just feel a physical pull.

The wall takes me farther, and soon I begin to realize that I am no longer surrounded by darkness. Lights of strange colors begin to glow around me, dancing in the current of the abyss. I stare at their luring colors and sing with them. They call to me and take me into a new world. A white light cuts open the pitch black, and takes me through.

I fall on top of a large, grassy plain. The hills surround me with an everlasting stare. They welcome me, and I feel safe. They watch after me, they care for me, and they love me. I walk closer to them, and watch the multicolored octopus float over head. Its body moves from side to side in the gentle breeze. It dances in the wind, and calls for me. I reach its astronomical grasp, and it takes me. I am now his.

I float in its universe, gliding with its planets and twinkling with its stars. The world spins around me, lighting up with strange and exotic forms that speak to me with chaotic tones. I don't know what they are.. who they are... all I know is that I am inside of the multicolored octopus, and it has me trapped.

I walk ontop of the bridge, hoping to find a way out. I walk. I stride. I run. I breath. I feel pain. I feel terror. I feel hunger. I feel icy hands wrapped around my throat, crushing my soul. I didn't make it. I fell underneath the grasp of the mighty multicolored octopus, and now I am a tortured soul amongst a dead universe of nothingness.

I fall forever. I walk forever. I am blind forever.

I am the octopus and it is me.

Kingbastard responds:


Thanks for this and for starting that thread in the Audio Forum too, shame about all the people having a go at you for doing it, but it's always the way, tiny minded fools haha:)


A large room of metal and spikes outlines the path to get home. He tightens his blue helmet, adjusts his gadgets, and gets ready to make the first jump over the large pit. He steps backwards a little, and then springs forwards in a mighty leap of faith. His eyes grow wide in excitement as he waits for the landing. He rolls to a safe stop, and looks up to see a flying, blue monster in front of him. It shines its sharp teeth at him and dives at him. He immediately smacks the bird with his gun, and fires a large blue ball of fire, burning the creature to bits.

He dashes towards a platform and leaps onto it, grabbing it and pushing himself upwards to the next one. Several platforms later, he reaches the top of the room and strides down a long, metal rod, shooting creatures along the way. They scream in his swift skill, and fail at their attempts to stop him.

Moments later, he reaches the end of his journey, and steps safely inside his home.

(((I very much enjoyed the beginning synth, it was very clear and sounded awesome. The rest of the song flowed nicely, and gave a really cool video game like feeling to it. Nice job!)))

FairSquare responds:

I liked your story! :)
Thank you for reviewing.


A light emerges in the darkness that englufs the universe. It fades away, and then bursts into a series of morphs and echoes throughout the world as quickly as it disappeared. It shrinks again, but this time begins to form a body of light, and dances its way outwards, slowly, but surely. It reaches for the darkness, and lights the world around it. The ground below can be seen, covered with green grass that blows in its wind. Trees can be seen over the massive mountains that cover the earth.

It colors the universe and paints it with magnificent beauty. Its roaring ring sings in the sky, and watches as the creatures below bask in its rays. It fills the void that is, and shrinks back down to rest once again.

(((Maybe a bit overpowering at points, but thats what made this song so illuminating)))

PearlDrummer516 responds:

I absolutely love it when my pieces give off an image to their listeners. I think the image and mood it gave you is quite unique, and I'm really glad you listened to it. You should listen to my other Void piece, "The Lorn Void." I want to know what kind of image you get from that.

- Arron -

Lost Love

In an endless, black abyss lies steel rods that twist and turn around eachother for miles, disappearing into the darkness. They surround a tunnel, floating from an unknown power. The man walks through this tunnel, never knowing how he got there or how he will get out. He simply walks, feels, thinks, and breaths. Although he does not grow hungry or thirsty, he feels pain. He feels a pain growing inside of him, rotting, spoiling, and festering within his heart.

He walks forever. He never stops. He strides aimlessly down the dirt road, surrounded by the steel rods that twirl around him. He screams. He fights the air. He sweats. He breaths. He lies down, tired, and cries. He rolls. He bleeds. He stands, and he kicks the dust beneath him. He knows there is nothing he can do. All he can do is walk through the tunnel, all alone, afraid, and dead.

This is limbo for the heart. This is abiunt.

JebusAndTheHolyYoses responds:

Cool, a detailed story comment. Really appreciated, thanks!

Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*

Age 33, Male

Apple & Entrepreneur

Whats a... school?

Little Rock, AR

Joined on 7/28/07

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