
1,158 Audio Reviews

640 w/ Responses


Everyone gathered from miles around to see the event of the millennium. A large black mud monster stood in the middle of the expecting audience, standing next to a tall, skinny man. The directions were simple: fight to the death. Whoever lost, would be the one to watch their home planet become destroyed.

The mud monster started by growling. The human followed by saying, "woo". They continued into the night,then they grew tired. Silence followed.

The monster uttered another growl, a woo was hear, followed by another growl, and one more woo.


Then everything got fucked up as the referee shot them both.


(((For the lolz, this song was pretty hilarious)))

The Life of A Coconut

A small coconut falls from a tree, tumbles down a tangle of moss and vines, and splashes into a small stream below. It gently turns through the stream, tumbling down pebbles and rushing down miniature waterfalls. It chases bugs as they scatter away from its grasp. It stops against a rock, and sits as the water cools off its body, texturizing its skin. It sleeps.

A small animal hops over to the stream, and takes a fresh lick at its surface, causing the coconut to topple over the rock, and continue down the stream below. Hours pass as it floats along the forest, unnoticed by anything or anyone. The stream turns into a small river, and it rushes underneath the current, gliding against its fish. It bobbles in and out of the water, and shoots out into the ocean.

It makes its way through waves, until it reaches a beach. A man walking along it notices the seed, and picks it up to examine it. He smiles, and puts it inside his backpack. The coconut travels inside the cozy dark until the man reaches inside to grab him once more. The coconut sits upon a shelf. People pass by and see it, pointing at it with awe. It is large, and one of the best that many have ever seen.

A small boy comes up to the shelf, and gives the man some coins. The man shakes his hand, and the boy runs off in excitement with his new friend. He sits down upon the sand, building sandcastles for the coconut. The tide washes in, and takes his prize by surprise. It washes into the ocean, and disappears into the distance.


The sweet flower floats in the wind, carrying speckles of pollen against its stem. It twirls inside the airs grasp, and lands gently on a rock alongside a large hill. A shoe steps next to it, and a hand picks it from the cold stone. Its red and yellow petals touch her nose, and she smiles. She puts it inside her pocket, and continues walking through the quiet mountain. It is a cloudy day, the breeze feels nice against her skin. She moves the air around her, in a nature walk back home.

Inside the quiet house lies an old man, rusting in his rocking chair, coughing underneath his gray blanket. His narrow eyes peer at the door as it creaks open, leaking a small ray of light over him for an instant, then disappearing into the darkness once more.

He sees his granddaughter step forwards, and a lightbulb is screwed into a dusty lamp on an old table. The cobwebs scamper away as the lamp clicks, and light paints the dull room. She leans over to his cold body and drops a small flower into his lap, and pulls his covers towards his neck, kidding him on the forehead. With a soft whisper, she calms him.

The man looks upon the colorful Jacqueline flower, and a smile forms across his old face. The look in his eyes made the girl knew that he could die happy.

MarkySpark responds:

You truly are a great man Nicholas!

Alien Encounter

The blue skinned figure floated through the woods, peering out into the clearing ahead. Birds sang all around him, as sunshine wondered throughout the valley. He focused, and could make out chanting not far away from where he was standing. He touched his hands against the ground to feel their vibrations. "ALL HAIL EMPEROR GOLIATH! ALL BOW DOWN TO HIS NEVER ENDING TRIUMPH! WE SHALL OBEY HIS COMMANDS! OUR LIFES ARE HIS TO CONTROL! ALL BOW DOWN TO HIS GLORY!"

These words shot through the earth beneath him. He clutched his hand and zoomed forwards through the forest.

"ALL BOW DOWN!" they chanted in the sand. The leader of the group was in the front wearing a golden shirt laced with emeralds and silver. He held a sword in his left hand, and a gun sheathed in his belt. He chanted with these soliders as they marched under the heat. Suddenly, a man in the back of the group screamed as his arms were ripped to shreds. He fell to the ground below, blood trailing underneath him. Soldiers around stared in confusion and awe for a second, until they to were ripped to bits.

Chaos emerged from the party, and the man in the front cowered in fear, not even touching his over glorified sword. The brave attempted to swing at the air that seemed to be killing their comrades, but only succeed in having their jugulars but open and their necks broken. When just a few were left, moments later, a blue figure stood around them. It looked at them, wearing a large black cloak. He shot his arms outwards, and lightning engulfed the terrain around them.

Everyone dropped to the ground in puddles of blood. The figure nodded his head in satisfaction, and moved deeper into the dessert.

Spirit of the Water

Swimming under the dark blue sea, a whale moves through the water in the distance. Seaweed dances in the tide as fish swarm around them. It is a different world, as things float in every direction. Up, down, left, right, there are creatures of strange origins walking through the ocean. The man with a black scuba suit silenty swims into the unkown, studying these exotic beings.

In the distance, a large canyon lies. The man peers over the hill, and looks down below to see thousands of sea creatures bathing in the seas beauty. Giant clams sleep on the surface. Colorful fish bathe in the tiny streams of sunlight that light up their world. Crabs stroll sideways, burrowing deep into their quiet homes. Giant towers of sand stretch towards the surface, covered with tiny animals. Jellyfish swarm into the waters, allowing its ripples to carry them forwards. These things are all known to many, but are seen by few. The scubadiver looks at these creatures in amazement. He has never seen anything like it before. Everything is so peaceful, so balanced. Everything seems to flow together. Its almost as if the sea itself is connecting with them, carrying them onwards.

(My favorite part is 1:53... thats the coolest transition I have heard in a while. Sorry I couldnt be all that original, but I could see a real spiritual oceanic feeling in this song. Beautiful work!)

Lublub194 responds:

I am honored to have such a beautiful review! Haha, thanks for it, really! I appreciate it when people can see stories in my work.

I didn't think the transition at 1:53 was all that cool, ahaha, but I'm glad you did!

Thanks a ton for the review and Fav :D!

Innocence and Beauty. Small yet Large.

A large golden blimp soars above a field of wheat and trees. The diamond and ruby shine underneath the white clouds, casting a red and white hue over the field below. Its engine hums. Its pipes shoot quiet steam in all directions. It floats through the air, seemingly magical. At the front of the collosal gold lies a small, glass window. Inside this window lies a boy with blonde hair, smiling and laughing into the sky.

He twists and turnhs inside of the wheat fields, shooting this blimp across the sky. Although it may only be collosal to him, and perhaps to an ant as well, it is still his reality, and the wheat fields take him to another world.

MarkySpark responds:

Thank you Nick, I always look forward to your review stories.


A small boy plays enthusiastically with his toy cars, smashing their wooden bodies o the grassy ground beneath him. The fall colors relax over his face as he laughs and plays. The sun casts a golden glow over the trees as birds hum under the clouds.

The little boy stops playing for a moment, and looks over his shoulder. He begins talking, rolling, and laughing at seemingly nothing. In the boys perspective, he has met a new friend. He grabs him and tugs the air up a small hill, where he shows his new friend the valley below. They think it is beautiful, and want to go on an adventure. He gets his red wagon from his red, wooden shack and brings along some food and water. He puts his friend on the wagon, and they run excitedly through the plains.

They arrive at the hill, and the boy hops in the wagon with his friend. They count to three, and laugh and scream as the tiny wheels roll down the green bump. They put their arms in the air as the wind blows against their faces.

The sun begins lowering over the horizon, and the little boys mother asks for him to come inside. The boy beckons his new friend into his warm home, and they sleep.

MarkySpark responds:

You really understand my music Nick. You are gifted with insight and an understanding of music in general. Good Boy! :-)

Sky Fotress

A simple island, with one tree floats in the sky. A man, leaning on its bark, smokes a cigar while staring over the horizon, at a giant fortress that consumes the clouds. He hops on his eagle, and begins to fly towards it. The air whizzes by him. He concentrates purely on this structure and jumps, flying through the sir and landing on a small metal platform, from which he kicks a guard off the platform and steals his gun.

With gun in hand, he clutches against the metal wall. He waits. He listens. Footsteps are heard. He closes his eyes. Seconds later, a guard is taken aside, his neck broken, and his body thrown into the white abyss below. The man sneaks up marble stairs, through dark, electronic hallways, over air duct systems, and past every single bit of security.

He arrives at a chamber, holding one single man in a wheelchair, hooked up to some sort of breathing machine. The old man watches as this black figure approaches him, and his life is taken.

One hour later, it is realized that the emperor has been murdered, and one man sits against one tree on a small island.

TheBenjerman responds:

Thanks for reviewing again!

Nice story, especially since I pictured something completely different. It's always nice to get other people's views, but I can totally see where you are coming from.


Needs Remixing

Starts off with a bit of classic Nate piano, nice. Good, solid instruments mixed with a nice background. Then it switches off to a totally new thought process, which seems to still flow really nicely with the beginning. Its now a bit of a simple beat with synth in the background, nothing really spectacular but sounds really nice.

When "breakdown" came in the tone seemed to change again from a progressive beat to trance. This song seemed to kind of go everywhere, with changing beats, synths, and styles. That is its real flaw, but everything is played very well and sounds very nice. It just doesnt mix well together I think.

Perhaps you can try to switch each instrument / sound slower next time instead of suddenly changing. Try using simple fading techniques along with chord advancements, wave pads, and a bit of filters. Your a really good musician Nate, and I have heard way better songs from you than this. Everyone else seems to like it so I dont know, maybe im just over critical. :P

Congrats on top of the week and huge score!

dj-Nate responds:

Happy that you're giving me criticism, sad it isn't positive :'(

Haha jk, I really do appreciate the honest opinions and tips. I see what you're getting at, and will definitely be taken into consideration in my next project(s)

Ohhh yeeaahhh

He wakes up, ready to roll. Putting in slick shine lotion into his hair, he smiles at the mirror and glares at his sexy face. He puts the collars of his shirt straight up, puts on his glasses, and heads out the door. He throws the keys over his head and catches them with his other hand, unlocking his convertable in the process.

"Bitchin" he says in satisfaction. He drives down the road, as girls cheer on the sides. He clicks at them with his fingers and says, "Yeeeahh" with his hot, manly voice. All the girls go wild.

He arrives at his local job, at the strip bar, and hops out of the car without opening the door. "Allrriigghhtt," he says in order to maintain his personality. Inside, the doors spread wide open as a shadowy figured emerges into the bar. His head turned sideways, and his glasses lowered, he faces the crowd. He walks assured that he is the sexiest man to ever live, and begins taking off his clothes.

He hops onto the stage, and begins pulling his hips and arms in and out, to the beat of the music in the background. His dick flaps to its beat, and the girls fall head over heels for him.

SBB, the DJ in the background, bobs his head to the music as he plays it. A guy next to him asks, "He dog, whats the name of this song? " "This song? Its called Vintage Bike," he responds.

(((This is just the greatest loop ever xD)))

Grillpie responds:

this is the best thing I have read in my life

Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*

Age 33, Male

Apple & Entrepreneur

Whats a... school?

Little Rock, AR

Joined on 7/28/07

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