FINAL SCORE - 92 *averaged from all judges*
92 eh? Thats one ridiculous score. Congrats! Personally, I found that there were many acting flaws in your tone. At first I thought the stuttering every now and then was part of his characters, but every character stuttered. It was also a bit monotone at some points and didnt sound like he was depressed, it sounded like he was just bored and confused. He didnt sound handicapped either. He just sounded like a kind of awkwardly social kid who got beat up in school. I think you should have made him have a psycological disorder to where he ended up killing the bullies or stabbing one of them. If you really wanted to develop a true emotional story, make it into an actual short story about a kid who seems simply anti-social and is in a bad school, so he gets beat up. His character develops to where he would seem almost crazy, so he would begin being violent and in the end snap, then die of a heart attack or something.
What I mean is, this is a bit overrated. Sure it sent chills down my spine because the bullies killed him, the mixing was great since you used Garageband to back up everything with background noises, the characters did sound different, the quality was great, and the story was original. My personal score for you is a 83 and that still is extremely good and you would still get an award. So far your in 1st place. - 83
Thanks for entering the contest! *read below to see what the other judges said*
Acting 35 / 35
Fit 23 / 25
Originality 15 / 15
Range 15 / 15
Mixing 10 / 10
Acting - 35/35
Fit - 22/25
Originality -13 /15
Range 13/15
Mix 10/10
- 93
I bow down to you Pawklat. Holy shat. I nearly cried. NOT JOKE! Well done.
Pawlakt - The Life of Garrett
Acting - 34
Fit - 23
Originality - 15
Range - 15
Mixing - 9
I'm going to begin with a quote: "The best way for me to explain my life, is to take you through it." That sentence alone encompasses exactly what I wanted from every single actor in this competition! No other phrase could describe in more detail what I was specifically looking for (amongst the other criteria of course.) Now, even though you said that in your piece, I will try and not let the wonderful quote and fantastic choice of music affect my judgment of your piece. The first thirty seconds are extremely powerful, even without the music, your delivery feels like someone who has something extremely important to say but is taking his time to get it all right, so it can be presented the way it deserves. Close your eyes, anyone who listens to this piece (especially from the beginning) and I can almost guarantee that you will see images, you'll be able to picture Garrett, why? Because Garrett sounds like he is actually narrating his own story and not reading from a script or reciting some memorized lines. It feels like this is something that he has really experienced and would like to share. There are brief instances of word switchery, where you begin a word but quickly use another one, that could have easily been fixed in editing and though it isn't a big problem, it's still noticeable throughout the skit. Your pace was meticulous and I can tell that you put time into choosing your words and believe me, it paid off. The school sequence was good because it sounded believable and you didn't just tell, you also showed through some good old-fashioned voice acting which is exactly what this competition is about. Normally, I am not a fan of extended sequences of narration and a couple sections, notably the inner-monologue following Garrett's getting beat up seemed to drag on but just as I was about to dock you some points for going on for too long, you took it to the next level with your death. It was then that I realized that there was no other way of going on, you had to use the narrative style to explain the next part of the story. The irony at end also managed to ramp this little story to the top of the list in terms of originality. *last sentence cut off due to lack of space LOL*