
640 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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The singing wasnt very good in my opinion. There were a lot of off notes and too high pitches.

it is to short and ends adruptly


Nice, soothing soundtrack.

Great selection of instruments

Good for a nice listen, with better singing.

So anyway, just improve on your singing skills. :)

Druids-Warcry responds:

*Cough* ... "Sang by ingenius" ...

im ah glad you like the beat though

Hey There! :D

Well no time long see huh? So you made a remix of this ever so popular song I see. It sounds pretty nice! I would recommend making it a little bit more remixed though. You can do this by making it a sort of rave dance song rather that a fun byte song. Make it original and people will love it.

fuzzum111 responds:

Thanks man, I'm still learning how to properly remix, rather than just reinstrament, and add layers. It's by far not very easy but I'm catching on.

Is this the final version?

I remember you made another one before and I loved it... but I can not tell what the difference between this one and that one is. :3

VGSongbird responds:


I'm pretty sure this is the only one I did of this song.... my Sister did one!! Maybe you're thinking of hers... Darklink2000??? ringing any bells....??

Oh and thanks for the 10 ^_^

How did you record this?

I must know. I wrote a piano song and i am dying to play it. This is a masterpiece by the way and went perfect with the game.

Xeptic responds:

1. Plug keyboard into computer with USB cable.
2. Fire up audio recording program (in my case Garageband).
3. Play.
4. Edit a little here and there.

Detailed Review

I have been listening to some really nice Tiesto In Search Of Sunrise albulms lately, and I could actually see this being on there. The heavy drums in the begginning are a bit TOO high, but they drown out to being at just the right level after the intro.

The pad should have been turned up to a high level with that bass turned up as well. This would make it completley EPIC. Not everyone listens to these with headphones turned on high bass yah know. ;) Have you ever heard of the song Pink Elephants by LAX? He made a 1:50 long intro that sounded AMAZING. ANd it was just pads with a bass that slowly gains filter... just the coolest thing I have ever heard and you could make an even cooler one if you woud simply turn up the Bass and Pad in this pad part. I actually think you should make this the BEGINNING of the song, but that would be for another one you make.

2:43 is anticlimatic. You should continue the background pad slowwlllyyy filtering it until the part where the drums come in and leave it at that level. This would make it climatic! ORGASMIC! CLIIMAAXXXX!! :D So in other words take off those small interludes where it seems as something is going to happen but it continues that pad.

Everything looks very good. I love the song, and think you are a fantastic artist. If you want some inspiration grab your nicest pair of headphones and get In Search of Sunrise Volume 5 and listen to the first song on the second disk. I am criticizing you because I want you to improve until you are as great as Tiesto heh!


Kr1z responds:

-Tiesto wins :$

-The drums dont drown out actually, theyr at the same volume level for the whole track.
I havent heard the pink elephant song yet, will check!

-Yeh that could be the beginning, but I choose to start with a drum intro :)

-Anticlimax needs some work yarr

-Thx for the critcism!! I really appreciate the tips.

Thx for the review, bye!

__Voice Acting Competition Detailed Review__

Final Averaged Score From Judges - 96 O_O Woh.
*He gave the judged blowjobs apparently. I was NOT informed about this. >:(*

HAHAAHAH!! Ok this is the funniest one I have ever heard.. ever. I laughed REALLY loud.. I think I woke some people up in my house. The plot was just brilliant. Truly hilarious. I was impressed with the multiple array of voice you had going on there! LOL BATMAN. I can't express enough how funny this is.

The fact that you made all of those sound effects with your mouth was CRAZY. Your better than me at this! The only thing that I saw as a problem was the heart rate you made. You should have turned that down a little bit so I could hear the people talk clearer. everything else was FANTASTIC. Keep it up man!

Dylawrence said:

Acting: 32/35
Fit: 23/25
Originality: 14/15
Range: 15/15
Mix: 9/10

Total: 93/10

Great Impressions man! Such good mental images pop up in my head that it's like I watched a flash, instead of listened to an audio submission..


-TingTonger- ***favorite for sirjeffofshort***

^%u2028This was one of the most impressive things I've ever heard... for reals

BigRed responds:

Thanks a lot man! The positivity is making me smile! Now, in regards to the heart rate, I'm planning on animating a video for this, and in that scene I imagined Crazy Dave acting as the heart machine making the beeping noises. So when it's a video that beep will be an integral part of a joke! :D

Thanks again for organizing the VA contest!

__Voice Acting Competition Detailed Review__

Averaged Score From All Judges - 80

LMAO. That wolverine part was HILARIOUS. I see you tried to make a radio talk effect with your hands, but you kind of failed lol. If you want to make a radio effect without altering it, make a funnel with your hands and make your voice a tiny bit high pitched. It works every time.

The acting was good... but not great. You breathed too much at the end of each pause. In order to get rid of that breathing white noise, turn away from the mic very quickly, breath, and turn back in. You also didnt sound too much like you were the charecter. Each voice sounded different, but each one had that same crazyass feel to them. Just have some people sound more serious than others.

Oh and also, the explosion at the end matched the plot actually lol. Not very many have so far. xP Great job on this, you are a good voice actor.

Dylawrence said:

Acting: 28/35
Fit: 22/25
Originality: 10/15
Range: 14/15
Mix: 8/10

Total: 82/100

Holy shit that was good! I think I enjoyed this one the most, but parodies aren't too original, even though the execution was so badass!
It would've sounded a lot more "marketable" if you added some sound effects, and music. (Favorite part was the sound of the claws coming out, "SNIGIT! SNIGIT!")

ForNoReason responds:

Thanks for the advice and the compliments! Ill take all this and use it in the future.

__Voice Acting Competition Detailed Review__

Final Score Averaged From All Judges - 90

LOL. That was great! Your range was supreme and each charecter sounded hilarious, especially the old farts you put in this fine piece. i was surprised that you actually sounded like the terminator! Thats a difficult voice to pull off... really difficult. Plus the plot was great lol! Each conversation had me laughing with all of the wity comebacks each person had to offer. GAY RAPE? That was brilliant!

The only thing that seemed to put you down a couple of points was the acting. It was still very good because it suited the comical style of the audio, however it was a little bit too monotone. The terminator is supposed to sound like that, but the other charecters should of sounded a little bit higher and lower hen you acted them. Just try to increase the variety in your notes when speaking.


Stalagmite responds:

thanks dude! awesome to the max lol. i certainly do love the old farts having alot of experience with the ELDERLY! DUN DUN DAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
and thanks for that compliment! seriously... you dont know how greatful i am to hear that my arny was good. i got a knock once ivan did a better one. and lol on the script... yeah i tried to actually put arny in the situation. i am glad you enjoyed it! thanks fatkid :D:D:D and next step for me is to improve my acting then.. no problem. :D:D:D i will do my best :D:D:D


If I were you I would find a better place to put your music out.. you need to get a record deal and sell Cds. People would buy them. for CASH. I would.

So get off NG man! You deserve better than this tiny 284 listens! :'(

dj-Nate responds:

Wow, thanks man. Any sugesstions?

Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*

Age 33, Male

Apple & Entrepreneur

Whats a... school?

Little Rock, AR

Joined on 7/28/07

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7.03 votes
Art Scouts
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B/P Bonus:
11m 30d