
1,158 Audio Reviews

640 w/ Responses

Underrated Beyond Belief

I hate rap. I hate it a lot. Most of it is just plain crap to me, and lots of others here. However, this takes TALENT. That flow was crazy. I dont see the reason for all the cursing, but hell it does give it a sort of flow. That background beat was crazy! I found myself listening to this over and over again. I came back for more at least 6 times. I showed my other friend who hates rap, and he loves it as well. Ive heard lots of rap and even made fun of it with my own nerdy rap song. This, however, has something different. Is it the amazing vocal talent... or is it the lyrics? I dont know. All i know is this was a nice listen.


Cut back on the cursing. No need to say pussy fuck shit cock or n****r over and over again. You can just wriute poetic lyrics and rap them.

Make a more variety in the background beat. Put in some synths. It doesnt have to be all beats and bass. You should put in some synth to make it not 100% rap, but a REALLY COOL FLOW SONG. Like a techno song but with lyrics that flow.

Good luck, dont mind the haters. Many just hate rap. Good job getting to top 5 hehe.

BOOMBLAST responds:

i feel you on that bruddah, but you gotta remember we havnt got the resources to spread reach out to other markets, so we gotta make the music that the market closet to use wants to hear, you feel me, plus with the cursing these guys only write the way they speak, we cant help it plus this music aint really for kids or the faint hearted, but bless for the love dawg, yea i understand these haters, that why i dont respond coz instead of just closing the site, they wanna listen to a genre they already dontlike and just complain, tell em to go out and find a girl haha, peace.


Dude, I can see him sneaking around with some weird face, cracking necks, dodging bullets, and just freaking every one out. He isnt even trying its like he is high on drugs. And somewhere in the middle he flies through the air at slow motion and everyone just looks at him and starts screaming missing him completley with their AK47s. Then he just slaughters everyone.

Either that or its just a nice action thing where he is sneaking around like metal gear.

A Glass Tree or A Glass Box?

A blue line is shot through a blank white emptiness. It then expands into a blinding light and sparkles the air with matter. Planets form, galaxies are created, and the universe comes into existence. Creatures swim through space as if it were an ocean. They start to gather around a tree on a planet, quite a large tree. They sit around it listening to music and talking amongst themselves. Singing, dancing, sleeping, and enjoying themselves they wait for something to occur within the tree. The tree starts to vibrate, and it opens up revealing a large glass box. The creatures examine the box and wonder why it emerged from the tree. They look at it and start to grab chunks from it, and begin building structures. They build a statue celebrating the creation of this block and then they build houses that spiral towards the sky, they build buildings that float in the air as if gravity did not exist. They build a city of glass and light. Soon enough the city is finished and they are pleased with their jobs. The city slowly fades away as I zoom away from it, and becomes nothing but a speck in the darkness of space.

That was nice.

Freaking Incredible

I can see so much with your songs man. You make the most amazing ambient songs I have ever heard. The synths, pads, beats, instruments, all go together perfectly. You have inspired me so much in the past year or so, and I would just like to let you know that I am making a game based on your music, sort of. The music just goes well with my game and I am using a few songs of yours with it. The only complaint I have for this particular song is that sometimes the instruments sounded a bit jambled together, but hell I LOVE that jazz you put in there hahaah!! Great job.


Dude, this was simply great. I loved how you made it repetitive, because lots of techno and trance is meant to be repetitive. Great job.. this song is so underrated. Never stop making music. NEVER. This was great great GREAT. I loved every original synth and beat and it flowed together just perfectley. It was FANTASTIC.

Long Live Tiesto :)


Well, no way in hell this is mixed as expertley as tiesto does, it needs more dimmensions for that to happen. However, it still is a great song. Nice dedicated remix. Long live tiesto man. Respect.


FINAL SCORE - 81 *averaged from all judges*

Woh wooh wwwooohh slow down there fellah. I wasnt able to determine very much from this because I had to pay REALLY close attention to everything because 5 things were going on at once! What you should have done is make it a conversation where all 5 of them are talking and every now and then make it a bit chaotic, but only for a little while so the listener can maintain his.. attention span towards the plot. I heard a few of the jokes and laughed at everyone of them, but I couldnt finish listening to this because it was too hard to follow! You seemed to maintain a very good range so I give you props for that, but there is no way I could determine if you acting was very good or not and if your originality was good or not without having to listen 4 or 5 times. I recommend voice acting, however, because this did not sound like one person. It sounded like 10 completely different people. And your a girl? I know your secret... your actually a shemale arent you? No way in hell a girl can make all those manly man voices. Greeat job! Just please... make it flow better next time in a non-chaotic environment so we can enjoy your work rather than having to listen to a bunch of noise. :'( - 79

***After listening to this a couple of time, I realized just how fucking hilarious this was.. great job on that***

P.S. my tumor was benign and everything is dandy dandy, thanks for your concern.

Thanks for entering the contest! *Read below to see what the other judges said!*


Acting 35 / 35
Fit 19 / 25
Originality 15 / 15
Range 15 / 15
Mixing 10 / 10


COMMENTS: I'm guessing that the dad is the mental one.


Acting - 33/35
Fit - 23/25
Originality - 13/15
Range 15/15
Mix 9/10
- 93

Wonderful, despite having o specific direction, it still simulates an unusual and interesting family structure. Excellent difference in character traits :D SUPER well done.


Acting - 20
Fit - 17
Originality - 5
Range - 9
Mixing - 7


The whole left/right idea was a bold move and I bet that on paper, this all sounded like a great idea but in execution, it was mildly sub-par. Not only was it absolutely confusing, trying to listen to all the different voices but it might have worked, had I believed that they were all different voices. The problem, or I guess the reality of multiple voices talking at the same time relies on selective listening and when more than two people are talking (like you tried to emulate in this piece) you'll only be able to discern what one of the people is actually saying, at most; maybe two. I am saying this because to achieve this illusion, you should have made only two of the voices actually saying things whilst making the background voices mere murmurs or, well, gibberish. Again, kudos on attempting all the different voices but I think you tried too hard. You chose to do three different kids' voices and I can understand that kids can sometimes (usually?) sound the same but the dad did not sound like a man. For the purposes of the contest, I would have maybe preferred some diversity in characters. The dialogue was definitely conversational in this and though it's understandable, there really was nothing memorable about this, at all.

rednikaiaG responds:

Oh Wow, FatKid and other Judges------>
First time submission making it FOURTH PLACE?!?!
I'm ok with that. Heh heh heh Thanks again for all of your feedback on it. I'll maybe have a closer idea of what it is I SHOULD sound like for the NEXT competition. Wah-Hooey I can't wait! Here are my individual responses to all the judges, Guys:

FatKidWitAJetPak------> 79/100 :)
I will DEFINITELY try and make multiple characters keep their individual presences from now on. I know it was hard trying to decipher what the hell was going on in that sub. I'm happy to hear not only did you "get" all the jokes but you laughed at them all as well (I KNOW it took several listens at LEAST).
ALL the compliments you gave me were amazing, especially coming from YOU, Man. Thanx for the props on my range FKWAJP! I can't believe you heard 10 different people within a skit that only contained 5 of my voices! Ha! For YOU to say that you DO recommend me for voice acting is simply a stunning statement for me to hear. Thanks again, man! Oh and yeah, I AM a girl. (Even though I know you think I'm a she-male due to all the lower ranged voices:). I will certainly try to make it flow better withOUT all the chaos and I might even try and throw out some of my more girly voices as well just to prove to you that I AM, in fact a chick. Just ask Karalex, Beaver Man the Brit, DrewtheMew, Assassin2, TARDOM, MysticCreature, and Wyldfyre1. They've all heard me and they know I am of the female persuasian. Glad to hear everything else turned out ok with you at the Hospital too, Man. Cheerz! Can't wait for the NEXT competition either!
*pats myself on the back as I realize I got a "that's fucking hilarious"
from FKWAJP, himself*

NAXSTER------> 94/100 :)
OMFGawd you are TOO kind! You have NO idea JUST how happy that made me seeing as how this was my first VA entry ever. *to be said like Elvis: Thank you. . . thank you very much. . . * Thanks for being patient and offering to judge this event too. I don't even know what to say with you giving me a score like that! I feel like I need to mail you a fuckin' fruit basket or something in appreciation or somethin'. Heh heh heh and yeah, the Dad AND his youngest son were the mental ones! <3 Thank you SO much, NAXSTER, forever and ever...

STALAGMITE------> 93/100 :)
Man! And to think. . . you judged this before we had even ever spoken! Are you SURE you didn't go back and ask to change your scores or something you had sent into FatKid the FIRST time? If not, you Sir have just made my WORLD with your score! THIS kind of score coming from you means a basket full of beaver skins to me, Man! You little musical genius, you. I'll have to deflate my head now from all this good stuff you three have given me so far! I'm surprised you could even find the time to judge with all the projects you have your hands all over now a days! Can't wait to hear from you on Le Skype, Pal! Until then, Stag-a-rino...

SCRIBBLER------> 58/100 :(
Oh wait, nevermind, I don't need an ego deflating, I got a score that did it for me! Ha ha ha ha Thanks for judging honestly Scribbler. Actually, there was no "on paper" planning for this! It was done in one day due to me thinking the deadline was like, 3 weeks away. My bad though. :) I just thought it might be easier to hear the voices if the two main ones were split channeled. Hell, I'd never submitted ANYthing before, let alone a voice acting skit, so for me to get as highly scored as I did, I'm stokin' about it. I had alot of comments about the Dad NOT sounding like a man, so I catch your drift in complaints for THAT department. I'm not a man, so I just did the best I could based on MY Popz. Maybe I should try and flaunt more of my female voices since those are what come naturally to me. I just had the punchline for the contest and wanted to use it! Thanks again for the brutally honest judging Scribbler. I hope to make my next contest submission way more MEMORABLE. *walks away with my proverbial tail between my legs*

Take care, be good and compete.period



FINAL SCORE - 79 *averaged from all judges*

I enjoyed the idea and it did make me laugh. However some of the acting was a bit questionable. I couldnt actually feel like this was really going on. Sometimes it sounded as if a guy was talking into a mic! And we all know thats not wahts REALLY going on now dont we? The originality had to be cut off just a hair because obviously the DAVE thing has been done before. Hehe, great though that EVERYONE is named Dave. Thats funny. I would recommend seriously GETTING A NEW MIC. The one your currently have has tons of crackling and white noise. You have a good range of voices, now get a new mic, contact some artists saying you can help, and see what your capable of. - 73

Thanks for entering the contest! *read below to see what the other judges said*


Acting 32 / 35
Fit 25 / 25
Originality 15 / 15
Range 15 / 15
Mixing 9 / 10


COMMENTS: The redo of this was much better the other kind of droned on but this one was much cleaner. Only bad news was in trying to make the German voice the sound sounded horrible.


Acting - 23
Fit - 16
Originality - 12
Range - 11
Mixing - 6


This is a unique approach to the contest. Unfortunately, this is one of those ideas that looks fantastic on paper but in execution, proves to be very difficult to achieve (and and that is why you have 2 version of this perhaps?) Having said that, the "shotgunning" David sounded waaaaay too much like a cheap impersonation of Meatwad from the Aqua Teen Hunger Force series. The gasmask David didn't really sound like someone where a mask but the idea of having an altered voice through some sort of equipment (in this case the gas mask) was a real good idea, just executed in a rather average manner. Third David, full of Roman from Grand Theft Auto IV which wouldn't be a problem normally, it's just that you said exactly what Roman said in the game. Come on! I really have little to say about the fourth Dave, he was my least favorite because he was the most boring character-wise and the clichéd "yelling German" was a bit overdone. The fifth Dave was my favorite, perhaps due to his simplicity or somewhat mopey voice but I'm not sure what it was exactly. Something about the way he talked was very endearing. The twist at the ending... OMG!!! I saw it coming. All in all, nice idea but ultimately disappointing and no, it doesn't even have to do with the fact that you are using a $3 microphone.


Acting - 27/35
Fit - 22/25
Originality - 12/15
Range 14/15
Mix 7/10


Absolutely brilliant!loved the script! Loved the voices. :D needs a little more interaction though..to convince us of the realistic setting... like coughing.. shuffling.. etc...I like that you had some silences to simulate realistic reaction.. but in some cases it was just dead time... just waiting for you to say words, twiddling thumbs. Lol.

Sh0ckFyre responds:

Thanks for the judgment, guys!

To correct what Scribbler said about my third Dave, I was shooting for Niko instead of Roman.


Final Score - 95*averaged from all judges*

HOLY SHIT. HOLY HOLY SHIT. HOLY MOLY ARTICHOKE SHIT!!! This was just outrageously hilarious and witty. The story was very well developed and the characters were perfectly voiced. I couldnt barely find any voice acting flaws rather than there occasionally being a stutter or two, which is rarely noticed by the public in a flash movie so very well done! Every single time the wolf talked I couldnt help but laugh. He was like some horny homicidal wolf obsessed with raping random objects. The turtle was some witty normal british character, a type of character I see present in many of your works, and was just like, "Wtf?" The ending was something I didnt expect either! I thought at first the turtle would make the wolf fuck something so outrageous no one could possably do it. But that was even better... just... just the funniest entry and one of the best. Fantastic job. You have a true talent here. - 98 *now thats a score*

NOTE TO OTHER CONTESTANTS: If you feel that this judging is unfair, I would be more than happy to argue it over with you.

Thanks for entering the contest! *read below to see what the other judges said*


Acting - 35
Fit - 25
Originality - 13
Range - 15
Mixing - 10


One of my favorite submissions. Not only do all of the characters sound distinctively different, but you cleverly employ the accented voice for the turtle, frustrated voice for the wolf, and slightly lethargic-sounding narrator. There also was ambience in this piece which many people will fail to notice, with the chirping birds and what not, it really felt like we were in the woods! No retards in this submission either which is a mega plus, sort of like a breath of fresh air! The wolf like to fuck shit, 'nuff said. The story was very imaginative and extremely creative and the ending worked for the story though I had already heard it somewhere BUT you managed to finish the story with the word "turtle," in a unique way I might add. Neverthless, you did what many others attempted or failed to do, you showed us through your clever dialogue and the various "narrative" additives were brilliant.


Acting 35 / 35
Fit 25 / 25
Originality 15 / 15
Range 15 / 15
Mixing 10 / 10


COMMENTS: Had everything Three voices, Mental problems and the word Turtle at the end. Clean audio too.


The Turtle and the Wolf By: Eddache!
Acting - 29/35
Fit - 21/25
Originality - 15/15
Range 11/15
Mix 10/10


Full of win and hilarity! Well written. Performed with a tongue in cheek approach. Very silly and full of colour profanitys, with a perfect punchline! ;D well done!

Eddache responds:

Wow! Thank you so much!

Oh, hello there. I guess you want to know who I am. I mainly create ambient music and voice act here on NG. Occasionally youll see me produce some silly animation or game. If you want to chat or something, send me a spanky danky PM. *Sig by Magical-Zorse*

Age 33, Male

Apple & Entrepreneur

Whats a... school?

Little Rock, AR

Joined on 7/28/07

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