Never had your shot.
These voice samples are add that unique style present in many of your songs. The Awesome high speed beat and the awesome trance synth follow up is AWESOME. This is the type of music I love from you. Like avatar, this has a certain kick to it that really zones me out into a trance and floats me off to another world.
The lyrics also add an awesome meaning to the song. I could picture a janitor mopping the floors of an old memorial building that tourists spit their trash and litter on the floors. Then the janitor just remembers his dreams and hates that he never had a shot. Then he just dies lonely. Sad, but completely awesome to dance to xD
You are underrated, thats for sure. I'm telling everyone I know about this man. Good luck! You deserve top of the week. The only reason you arent on there is because of how corrupt the ng audio portal is. Only users who work at commercializing their songs to friends get on there.
Please keep up your awesome work, dont lose hope or enthusiasm just because some website thats 90% cock jokes and 10% meet n fucks votes 0 on your songs. The fact is, if you played this at a rave.. people would dance. People would love this shit, and it would be a pity to not hear it sometime at a rave. You made it so quickly to, you have a talent. You should make these into a CD or something! Hell, I'd buy it for 15$.